Pirate Party Releases National Security Inquiry Submission

The deadline for submissions to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security’s (PJCIS) Inquiry into potential reforms of National Security Legislation was August 20, and today, PJCIS allowed for the publication of submissions. Pirate Party Australia submitted a comprehensive response to the discussion paper.

In the lengthy submission the Party comments on many points in the discussion paper, including:

  • Strongly objecting to penalties for individuals who refuse to assist in decrypting information or provide their passwords, eroding a person’s right to avoid self-incrimination;
  • Strongly objecting to keeping all Internet users’ browsing and email history for two years, introducing an arbitrary violation of privacy; and
  • Suggesting adding controls to various powers that certain agencies have to breach individuals’ privacy.

“The balance between liberty and security has long been tipped in favour of security and overt control over the rights of Australians,” said Ben McGinnes, co-author of the Pirate Party Australia submission. “We care about our country’s future and as attempts are constantly made to erode our privacy and civil liberties, we must continue to make a stand to ensure we still have rights worth defending.”

“It is Pirate Party Australia’s hope that the committee will take all the submissions into account when considering such serious reforms to our legislation.”

Pirate Party Australia’s submission can be found here.

All received submissions have been published here.

To read the original discussion paper, click here.

You can still show your support and help fight some of the proposals the National Security Inquiry is suggesting. Sign the Party’s Senate petition here.