Minutes/General Meeting/2013-01-15
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Meeting Minutes
This document is a record of a meeting. Do not edit this document without contacting the relevant group first.
General IRC Meeting (#ppau)
Start: 20:00 15/01/13 AEDT
Finish: 20:36 15/01/13 AEDT
- Registration (Mozart)
- Policy & pre-selection meeting (Mozart)
- Aaron Swartz
- Pharma review
- FOI hilarity
- Objection period closed yesterday
- No new news from AEC
- Time to start prodding AEC
- Campaigns making an announcement video
- Good numbers at Saturday meeting in Sydney would be good.
Policy & pre-selection meeting
- NC will consider motion for a end March/beginning April meeting in Sydney
- Separate to congress (which may be in ACT) due to time considerations
Aaron Swartz
- Sad
- PPAU referenced Social media (ie no formal press release, dont want to vulture the issue)
- "The whole situation is so tragic, I think brief statements already made are sufficient." - Roderick
- The issue has gotten some mainstram traction, largely due to the proportionality issue
- #PDFTribute
Pharma review
- http://pharmapatentsreview.govspace.gov.au/
- Written submissions to the review panel are due by 5pm on 21 January 2013.
- Due to time and expertise constraints a statement on the need for more refrom may be better than a full detailed submission
FOI hilarity
- Brendan currently running 4 FOI requests
- Classifcation database/RC documentation (nearing completion)
- Documents relating to data retention proposals (re meetings in 2009 between AGD and communications industry)
- see http://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/documents_relating_to_data_reten#incoming-129
- AGD missed deadline and had to request extension from OAIC
- Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
- see http://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/trans_pacific_partnership_agreem#outgoing-112
- likely to give over only public info
- Intellectual property legislation changes as a result of trade agreements/treaties
- see http://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/intellectual_property_legislatio#incoming-132
- they have to ask foreign nations of they can provide docs
Action Items
- None