Minutes/International Relations Team/2021-02-11

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Meeting Minutes
This document is a record of a meeting. Do not edit this document without contacting the relevant group first.

International Relations Committee Meeting

Thursday 11/02/21

Start: 6:15pm Sydney time (AEDT)


  • Fred Gerner
  • Jay Stephens
  • Leanne Geraghty (Lee)
  • Miles Whiticker
  • Kevin Huang
  • John August
  • Josh (T.A.E.)
  • Alex Jago [minutes]


  • Introductions (everyone) (not minuted in detail)
  • international relations valuable for
    • resource sharing with other Pirates
    • contrasting with Australian things
  • Committee onboarding (Miles)
  • Terms of reference
  • Responsibilities
  • Recent projects
  • PPI report (Gabe)
  • Committee priorities (Miles)
  • Everyone decide portfolio or focus area
  • Final onboarding steps (eg email) (Miles/Alex)
  • General business


  • "There's no borders on the Internet" -- Lee

Key Responsibilities

  • Liasion with other Pirate Parties
  • Liasion with other international groups sharing some or many of our principles
  • Organising international events
  • Representing PPAU at events run by international Pirates
    • question from Jay: "what level of detail would we need to be across policy"
    • Alex: "across it enough to know what and where to check specifics quickly"
    • Miles adds: "but being across nuance can be very valuable -- e.g. prior to the recent Euro Pirates event, we agreed not to talk about refuguees, as our platforms diverge a bit there due to different contexts in EU and AU"
  • Research to propogate recent international thought into PPAU discourse

Recent projects

  • Euro Pirates livestream event took some time to set up, but went pretty well.
    • "Essentially an interview format; PPAU legitimisation exercise by appeal to authority of Pirate MEPs"
    • this raises a point: events need review afterwards to determine usefulness and what to do better
  • Presentation to PP Turkey
    • talked about campaigning, tools, growth strategy
    • PPAU giving back to the international movement
  • Assange event in December was also of international interest

Focus areas

  • Jay would like to take southern PPEU (as he is Italian/French speaking) and MENA
  • Fred is Swedish, so potential there
  • John: "IR is about reaching out, I'm here for AU foreign policy. I'm more interested in what the group is up to"
  • Alex and Miles see their roles as largely providing admin + party support
  • Kevin also more interested in policy analysis, but also more in relation to AU foreign policy. Prefer to be issue driven, rather than working on general relationships.
  • Lee: "I'm a simulator builder for Second Life -- looking at setting up a PPAU meeting place in that context... it's an inherently international platform. It's an environment used by many groups."

Action items

  • Emails for: Jay, Lee, Kevin