Pirate Congress 2012 Motions/Motion 5: Periodic return of copyright ownership to original creators

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Periodic return of copyright ownership to original creators

Current motion


Current law grants assignment of copyright.

Explanation of terms

Overseas examples

Why ‘Mastered For iTunes’ Won’t Defuse a Copyright Time Bomb | Evolver.fm

Personal note

I feel that this is a very important policy that would highlight that Pirate Party Australia is for the people. A very strong pro-creator policy that I feel, that the distributors, the biggest backers of anti-consumerist copyright reform will be against it despite their populist stance at being pro-creator.


This could be written better, however I believe the intention there is to provide a legal requirement for an artists/creator to have the option to renegotiate the terms or take back the ownership of the copyright on their works from distribution companies after the initial 12 months. The 15 year limit in the platform would still apply to the entire length of the copyright be it in the hands of the original creator or in the hands of a distributor.

Joakal could you confirm this and would you like to attempt a clearer rewrite of the motion?

- David Campbell

I've highlighted it by appending this bit: "within the period of the temporary protections afforded by copyright." Joakal 20:32, 19 June 2012 (EST)