Category:Pirate Bureau

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the Pirate Bureau Operations Guide

This guide aims to provide a more detailed explanation of the operation of the Pirate Bureau and it's Steering Committee. The Propaganda Steering Committee (Crew?) (a formal Pirate Party Committee) was formed to amalgamate the Social Media and Design Teams. The Steering Crew goal is to encourage participation and streamline Pirate Party Artwork creation, consideration, approval and use. The primary vehicle the Steering Crew will employ to realise these goals is the "Pirate Bureau" or the Bureau. The Bureau aims to be an ongoing experimental "Art House" focused on producing "Pirate Art" appropriate for inclusion with Pirate Party Policies and Press Releases, and use by Social Media. The Bureau promotes a collaborative creative culture. Anyone can join.

Mistakes will be made, and learnt from.

Nomenclature (some 2b deleted)


Do the SocMed and Design appointed positions have to be called "Officers"? They could be easily confused with the new NC positions next year. How about "Chief"? "Chief" better describes the duties of these 3 positions and aids in differentiating between NC members and appointed positions. "Chief Mozart". I like it! (makes him sound badass) Let's be Pirates! or at least let the Bureau be Pirates ... even if you don't want to be :P

Position Names

Officer - a member of the National Council (mentioned to provide context). Quartermaster - Only one. Ex NC member. (included because: it's cool having a Pirate Party Quartermaster). Chief - Any Bosun also tasked with managing a Crew (think Working Group). Bosun - Authorised Pirate Party Committee member (eg Steering, PDC). A Pirate. Formal authority as defined by NC. Deck Hand - a recognised Crew (think Working Group) member. No formal authority. Cadet - Anyone who is accepted as a Pirate Bureau member (eg. via the application thread in the Bureau Forum). No formal authority.

"Pirate Bureau" - "Steering Crew" - "Bosun" - "Deck Hand" - "SocMed Crew". It's about the "vibe". The Pirate Partys' Pirate Bureau should use Pirate and nautical terms (Duh). The Bureau should be a fun place, not a committee (that's what the Steering Crew is for). Think of it as an "Art House" ... for Pirate Artists. So, nautical names, Pirate names and fun titles.

Pirate Art

"Pirate Artworks" is any Pirate Party approved creative "Artworks" that promote Pirate Party ideology and policies. Pirate Artworks creators are "Artists", not "contributors". Give a Pirate some credit ... Authorised Pirate Art is stored in the Pirate Treasure Trove.

Positions within the Pirate Bureau

Pirate Bureau Crews (think Working Groups)

These crews are the same Working Groups, just renamed. Any current WG members can go straight to those Crews once they've joined the Bureau.

Design Crew

SocMed Crew

(6 positions? thinking restricting access to posting as ppau)


(highest priority at top) there is a lot to do. planning is vital.

It is proposed that Bureau projects will be coordinated on taiga or via wiki project management plugin (?) (Fletcher). Identify one project for taiga testing.


  • Is a twitter account appropriate for the Bureau?
  • How about a Bureau "Fringe Division" exploring the envelope?

Note: An example of a Pirate Bureau campaign/project NOW would be PAX2016 Pax Pirata. just sayin.

Three constant messages, forever ... "Freedom, Democracy, Science" "Say No to Censorship" and "TLDR". Like Mars sells Bars. Gruen

If any Pirate Party committees or working groups external to the Bureau would like to adopt these names then I suspect the Bureau can come up with some licensing arrangement.

more to come ...

Pages in category "Pirate Bureau"

This category contains only the following page.