Preferences/Stable Population Party

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We emailed all minor parties stating our intent to preference transparently and democratically, each party was invited to reply with an invitation to Pirate Party members to preference their party. Explanation of our request, intent and the email we sent, is available in our press release here:

Email response from the Stable Population Party (Dated 15 July 2013)
Dear Pirate Party Members

Obviously it is very difficult for minor parties like yours or ours to have detailed policies on all issues, but we can tell you that the Stable Population Party is a sustainability party with a major focus on the everything issue - population. We are equally concerned with environmental, economic and social wellbeing.

The key objectives of the Stable Population Party are as follows:

  • To stabilise Australia's population as soon as practicably possible, aiming for a population of around 23-26 million through to 2050; and
  • To provide leadership and support to other countries experiencing rapid population growth, so as to help them stabilise their populations, and thus help stabilise global population.

In a finite world, more people means less resources per person. Australia's finite natural resource base is the true source of our wealth - not our rapid population growth that both dilutes and erodes it. To meet the huge costs of population growth, Australia is using finite and non-renewable resources that should be saved for our children and grandchildren.

We would like to see us or other democratic minor parties get into parliament, in order to bring new ideas and evidence-based policies into play. If we are to get this new thinking into parliament, we should all consider preferencing other democratic minor parties before the major parties.

Our policy page outlines our (core values-based) approach to policy outside of population:

Further, you can find our core values (that drive our approach to all policies) here:

In summary they are:

  • Sustainable living
  • Egalitarian democracy
  • Fiscal responsibility
  • Global citizenship
  • Productive innovation

Most importantly in relation to transparency and accountability, under ‘Egalitarian Democracy’, we promote evidence-based policy and in doing so would consult widely with all groups in relevant areas of policy making, not just the powerful few. Here is the relevant core value in full:

Egalitarian democracy
All individuals should have equal opportunity to take part in the democratic process. We are committed to honest administration that prioritises the public interest and does not pander to vested interests or vocal minorities. Public policy should be based on objective evidence-based advice in light of wider social, economic, environmental, national security and cultural concerns. Importantly, we Australians must be allowed to democratically choose our own population size, mindful of our finite resource base and likely future global challenges.

The major parties have failed to deal with many issues, including providing choice to the Australian people on population. Again, in order to help bring fresh ideas and democratic policies into parliament, we would be pleased to mutually preference each other before the major parties, if supported by your membership. We would also be pleased to discuss more specific arrangements in different states where appropriate.

Kind regards

William Bourke

Committed to a stable, sustainable, open and tolerant Australia.

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