Privacy Policy

Last updated: 22nd July, 2022

All Pirate Party websites and services

Pirate Party Australia will not sell or otherwise share any information collected with any third parties. We are committed to your privacy.

Information collected by

We use Google Analytics for the purpose of obtaining generalised information about the demographics of visitors. Visitors can not be personally identified and collected data is only used in aggregate to determine viewer interest and usage of resources.

If you wish to not be tracked by Google Analytics while using our website, please consider installing extensions for your browser such as Ghostery or noscript, or disabling JavaScript in your browser.

Cookies are used to keep track of your session if you create an account on the wiki or comment on an article. They are not used to collect any other information, such as browsing habits. If you are concerned about this, most modern browsers offer privacy features which allow the selective removal of cookies.

Information collected by or application forms

Pirate Party Australia will not sell or otherwise share any information collected for the purposes of membership registration with any party other than the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) or state/territory electoral commissions, as required by the Electoral Act (or equivalent), for the purposes of registering a political party. This disclosure may be as part of an electoral coalition as described in section 14.2 of the Party Constitution.

The Party Secretary currently maintains the membership list as per the Constitution, and is the only person with access to the personal information of Pirate Party Australia’s members that is collected during the membership application process.

The Party Secretary may divulge names and telephone numbers to other trusted members for the purposes of verifying or renewing membership when other reasonable attempts to contact members have been unsuccessful.

If you consent, your contact details may be shared with Pirate Party Australia coordinators in your area for the sole purpose of organising events, campaigns or other related party business such as sharing news with you relevant to our platform. Such coordinators are vetted by the National Council and appointed at their discretion.

Information collected by

The Announcement mailing lists are used by the Pirate Party Australia National, State and Territory Councils to communicate directly with members with news of upcoming events, party activities and any messages from the President or Secretary.

The Discussion mailing lists are used for informal discussion amongst subscribers on any topics related to the agenda of Pirate Party Australia.

When subscribing to a mailing list, your e-mail address is collected for the purpose of operating and administering the respective list, as well as a nominated password which is used to authenticate and enable you to self-manage your list subscriptions.

Information collected by

Information collected as a result of making a donation through the Pirate Party Donation Portal is kept to a minimum. Our payment gateway provider Pin Payments receives your credit card number, processes the transaction and returns a unique token to our server that we store for auditing purposes, which is presented to the donor upon completion of the transaction for their records.

Your credit card number is never stored or otherwise sent to any Pirate Party server, and is handled entirely by Pin.

We keep a copy of the transaction including your receipt number, the IP address you made the transaction with and billing details for our records on a secure server. Receipts from a single entity that are of the value of $13,500 or higher in one financial year must be disclosed to the Australian Electoral Commission.