The National Council of the Pirate Party Australia would like to announce that it is now officially accepting applications for Founding Members.
The National Council of the Pirate Party Australia would like to announce that it is now officially accepting applications for Founding Members. It’s been a while coming, but we’ve finally done the necessary work to fulfil the obligations of our Party Constitution.
To register as an official party with the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC), we will need 500 members to sign and send in their application forms, along with their $20.00 Founders Fee, which will cover the cost of incorporation, registration, and other ongoing costs. You may donate a little more, if you can. Members that make a total payment of more than $50.00 will get some swag, once we have it all set up. However any time and effort you can donate, is more than enough.
With this small but significant step, we’ll be one step closer to providing Australian electors with the option of voting ‘Pirate’ at the next Federal election, to fight for a fairer and more balanced copyright, greater innovation and access to culture, information and knowledge, greater government transparency and the protection of our civil liberties.
David Crafti, President of Pirate Party Australia commented “With the current government attempting to implement an internet censorship regime, continuing secretive ACTA negotiations and an increasingly belligerent war on sharing, here and across the globe – it is now more important than ever that we work to protect our civil liberties, and our democracy.”
To become a Founding Member of the Pirate Party Australia, please complete the application form (it should be easily filled out in any PDF viewer) and mail, fax or email the signed form back to us. We’ve tried to make the process as easy as possible, with a few different methods of payment available.
We also take this opportunity to ask interested people to join a committee, and help with the development of the platform, raising awareness and just generally getting involved.
We hope to have all applications in before the end of the year, so if everyone could send in their forms as soon as is possible, we can get the registration process under way. We thank everyone for their support so far.