Election Organisation meeting

August 10, 2013 @ 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Paragon Hotel
1 Loftus Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Sunny Kalsi
0433 916 717

An organisation meeting for the upcoming 2013 Federal Election will be held at the Paragon Hotel, Sydney, on the 10th of August from 12.00pm to 4.00pm.

Whether you are an active member, a meetup regular or only have a few spare hours to pitch in please come along. We need help with promotional materials, letter-boxing, handing out flyers, giving out how to vote cards at polling stations… volunteers will be provided with everything needed. We hope to see you there!

One thought on “Election Organisation meeting

  1. Hello, I contacted the Pirate Party a while back about a group conservative minor party alliance.Since then, I have forged connections with the Palmer United Party and I have put forward to those with direct access to Clive the idea of such a group effort.Obviously an approach from Clive, or at least the campaign manager, Susie Douglas holds more sway than from myself. Watch out for correspondence from the Palmer Party. I would love to pop in on Saturday and see what your are about. A unified approach on key important areas with room for individuality on the respective web sites will give us all some extra credibility and access to the pooled legs of the groups. Note, Clive Palmer has a fair awareness of Agenda 21/UN interference issues.

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