Perth Meetup

May 28, 2014 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
The Moon & Sixpence Pub
Raine Square Shopping Centre
300 Murray Street, Perth WA 6000
Fletcher Boyd
0449 068 763

We’re making the transition to monthly social gatherings in an effort to introduce some stability in the branch. Our next meetup will be held at 7pm on the 28th of May at The Moon and Sixpence. So come down and discuss the recent campaigns run by the party and other things. This is also a great opportunity to bring a friend along if they’re interested in getting involved or just want to have a drink with some new faces.

A note about The Moon and Sixpence – if you don’t see us sitting outside (look Fletcher with the white curly hair) make sure to check the back. A few people have missed meetings because they weren’t aware that this area existed. If in doubt, give Fletcher a call.

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