Pirate Party Australia is deeply concerned about the increasing international trend of widescale surveillance, such as the possible implementation of the Trapwire surveillance system in Australia, due to the significant potential for abuse.

Yesterday, the Sydney Morning Herald revealed[1] ties between a government contractor and a company manufacturing sophisticated surveillance equipment that claims to detect “suspicious activity”, which ultimately means activity that marks a person as suspicious without the person actually committing any crime. To increase its efficiency, the system collects information from its multiple installations and combines it, even across borders.

“These systems claim to detect ‘pre-crime’ activities and tag individuals as suspects automatically. Such systems, when deployed in the public space, are an encroachment on the privacy of the users of public spaces,” said David W. Campbell, President of Pirate Party Australia. “They have the effect of suppressing the legitimate activities of law abiding individuals, who become justifiably worried about being mislabelled and prosecuted.”

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Update (11:29am): corrected PR to point out that it was anonymous security bureaucrats who made the announcement, not the Government.

Pirate Party Australia are pleased with, but skeptical about, by the announcement by anonymous security bureaucrats that the Australian Government will delay implementing mandatory two-year data retention plans until after the next election.

Yesterday, anonymous security bureaucrats announced that proposals contained within the National Security Security Inquiry discussion paper to store the web history of all Australians for up to two years will be stalled until 2013. The National Security Inquiry has been labelled as “controversial” and the Attorney-General’s Department expects it to attract “significant public interest”[1].

“While we are happy that action on this issue will be delayed, we are skeptical that this may mean they will push the changes through quietly once no-one is looking,” said Simon Frew, Deputy President of Pirate Party Australia. “Given the very short timeframe that the public were given to hand submissions to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, we anticipate there will be minimal oversight when legislative changes are put forward.”

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Leaks of information regarding the highly secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) negotiations have prompted Pirate Party Australia to call for a reclamation of Australian sovereignty.

The most recent leak, published by KEI Online, show that while the United States negotiators publicly said they would be pushing for protection of fair use, the US and Australia were advocating for stricter limitations to copyright exceptions[1].

Other negotiating parties present – New Zealand, Chile, Malaysia, Brunei and Vietnam – put forward proposals that would allow exceptions and limitations to copyright and technological protection measures, and the extension of those exceptions into the “digital environment.” Both of these proposals were opposed by the US and Australia.

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Earlier today Pirate Party Australia launched an online petition, objecting to the proposals of the National Security Inquiry. The Inquiry was referred to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) by the Attorney-General. The petition will be presented to the Senate, and can be signed here.

The National Security Inquiry (#natsecinquiry) proposes to extend the powers of Australian intelligence and security agencies, including greater provisions for telecommunications interception – such as accessing unrelated computer systems – and penalties for refusing to disclose passwords. The proposal may also allow intelligence and security officers to be shielded from penalties for misconduct.

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The results of Pirate Party Australia’s recent National Congress are in!

The annual National Congress took place on July 14–15, and the results of the now concluded week-long voting period are able to be announced.

The results of the motions were as follows:

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