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With Julia Gillard calling the election for August 21 it is with some regret that we must announce we will not be able to contest this election as a Party. Our application to register is before the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC), however a Party cannot be registered once an election has been called.

This does not mean that you won’t hear from us this election. We’ll continue to highlight important issues that have been largely neglected by other political parties, and to lobby and campaign for a better policy direction with respect to transparent governance, the Internet and civil liberties. We will continue to work to grow the Party, build a stronger base and be better placed to campaign for the next federal election. You may even see us at a state election. As with any start-up organisation, we are still finding ourselves, and our first National Congress occurs on July 31 in Sydney, where our members will formally adopt our first statement of platform, and our first manifesto — and discuss the future of the Party, the future of the democracy in Australia, and how we plan to make it better.

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It was revealed today that the Australian Government has been making inquiries regarding a policy of storing the browsing history of every Australian Internet user1 in another move that displays the federal governments contempt for the privacy and civil liberties of the Australian people.

“Pirate Party Australia is shocked and appalled by the news that the Australian Labor Party is now considering this sort of indiscriminate data surveillance. Pirate Party Australia was formed to campaign for privacy and Internet freedom and this is a direct attack on every Australian’s right to privacy.” said Rodney Serkowski, Party Secretary.

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“We at Pirate Party Australia welcome the news that a legal challenge is being mounted over the BRCA1 breast cancer gene and we hope that the case will be a catalyst for laws to expressly forbid patents on genetic materials. Patents on any genetic material raise large ethical questions, and there are severe implications for the future of scientific research involved in granting monopolies for what are essentially naturally occuring mutations, in naturally occurring genes.” said Party Secretary, Rodney Serkowski.

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Recently NSW Stateline[1] observed the inter-agency group Crimtrac give a presentation on the future of policing, which involved the implementation of new and hi-tech surveillance methods and the development and use of databases containing biometric data.

“The story highlighted the push by law enforcement to get access to more surveillance powers, continuing the degradation of the privacy of Australian citizens,” said Simon Frew, a spokesperson of Pirate Party Australia.

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“The move to postpone mandatory Internet censorship legislation by the Labor government is testament to the unpopularity of the legislation.[1] However it in no way represents a victory for the Open Internet campaign with Senator Conroy’s spokeperson maintaining that the government remains steadfast in their goal to push through legislation that will create a state sponsored Internet censorship infrastructure” said Party Secretary, Rodney Serkowski.

He continued “This delay is a cynical move to minimise the effect that this terrible, misguided and ill-conceived policy will have in the polls. We plan to continue to raise awareness, and remind voters of the intent of the Labor government to pursue this policy. Politicians must understand that attempting to implement a censorship infrastructure of the nature proposed in a liberal democracy is electoral poison.”

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