Secret ActaAs we come together with friends and family, to celebrate and reflect on the achievements and values of a free and democratic Australia on our national day, it is quite worrying to see that the Australian government continues to participate in secretive negotiations being held in Guadalajara, Mexico today.

Currently in their 7th round of negotiations, the deceptively named ‘Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement’ (ACTA) represents an expansion of the US-led maximalist copyright agenda with little regard for fundamental rights or transparency.

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Electronic Frontiers Australia LogoThe EFA has launched an ePetition, an internet petition against mandatory internet censorship that will actually be presented to the Australian Senate!

If you have not already done so and you are against internet censorship, we urge you to sign this petition, and if you can, print off the paper version of the petition and ask all of your family, friends and relatives to sign the petition.

We’ll be doing all we can to get as many signatures as possible, and we urge you to do the same.

Pirate Party Australia is pleased to announce that Australian Online Solutions is sponsoring 10 lots of membership fees for those who need a bit of help.

If you feel you fit into this category, email [email protected] and let us know why. Be quick, as these spots will go very quickly! If you would like to contribute the way Australian Online Solutions has, also email [email protected] and we can go from there.

If your fees are sponsored, you still need to submit an application form, as normal. I’m sure that the sponsor would also appreciate a thank you tweet or blog post, if possible.

While we, the citizens of Australia, have made it blatantly clear that we neither want nor require the nanny-state of Australia to impinge on our rights further by restricting our access to the internet in the name of “child protection”, Conroy continues to soldier on with his censorship plans regardless of what the majority thinks.,139023764,339300141,00.htm

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