2016 Election/Preselection Nominations/Meeting log

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Meeting Log
This page contains a transcript or log of a meeting that occurred on 2016-05-01. It should be used for reference only and does not need to be edited.

The preselection meeting allowed nominees a chance to talk to, and receive questions from, members.

  • All timestamps are in GMT+8 (AWST).
  • Questions unrelated to the candidate have been removed
  • IRC metadata not pertinent to the meeting (joins/parts etc) have been removed.

Australian Capital Territory

No nominations were received for this region

New South Wales

John August (House of Reps - Bennelong)

John August sent a formal apology prior to the meeting but was able to reply to questions through the chair.

  • Q: "We probably don't have that many people on the ground in Bennelong. Given that we're presumably simultaneously contesting NSW Senate, our Sydneysiders would be better off at booths more local to them. So, what sort of personal network can you mobilise for handing out HTVs on the day?"
  • A: "I can attempt coverage in local papers and noticeboards at shops. Can also promote through Facebook. But apart from booths on election day I would appreciate other members come benelong before election day for letterboxing and handing out flyers at railway stations."

John entered the meeting at 17:53

[17:54] @Frew : Give everyone a quick statement about yourself, and we will hit you with questions
[17:55] MarkG : Just in the nick John - welcome
[17:56] JohnAugust : OK, I've nominated myself for lower house candidate in Bennelong, Sydney. I've had a longtime interest in Intellectual Property - as you can see in my article on my blog, and see value in me being a lower house candidate.
[17:58] @Frew : Questions? Comments?
[17:58] twisty_ : G'day John. Why not run for the Senate?
[17:59] JohnAugust : Well, if you really want me to run as second senate candidate, I'm willing to - but I thought you had ample for the Senate. Also, I ran in Bennelong on behalf of the Secular Party at the last election, and it would be good to build on the experience I had last time.
[18:00] twisty_ : Thanks John. Makes sense.
[18:00] joshpearson : Hi John, Bennelong is currently held by John Alexander, a fairly high profile individual, even with your previous experience running for that seat, would you consider another seat if that seat seemed more favourable to an outsider?
[18:00] Richard : JohnAugust: Can you tell us a little about the campaign last time? Any challenges / learnings?
[18:03] JohnAugust : Well, I live in Bennelong so I've used that as a lever. It puts me in good stead against the majors. At least if I'm working the railway stations and similar, it is convenient for me.
[18:03] CAPT-Irrelevant : joshpearson: I wouldn't necessarily advocate parachuting in an outsider to a neighbouring electorate.
[18:04] JohnAugust : The good thing is it is easy to get coverage in the local papers and at election forums that are run. That's local to the area rather than Sydney or broader, but you can always say in general media you're running a local candidate in Bennelong.
[18:04] joshpearson : yeah i guess both of those points make sense and if you do have a history that could be very helpful.
[18:06] @DanielJ : JohnAugust, is there any bad blood between you and the secular party? was there a major reason for leaving them to join us? or just a general shift in your own opinions, politics, preferences etc?
[18:06] JohnAugust : Also, I've offered to put in $1,000 as a donation towards my candidate costs, where I put my oar in. But, I'd be willing to skip the $1000 donation and be in a campaign in another seat or for the Senate, but then I'd be more of a passenger in someone else's vehicle. If another seat, I'd be the figurehead and expect someone else to know their way around the area and the local media.
[18:08] JohnAugust : Daniel - I did in fact discuss this with Frew and wrote something in my blog on it. But - it was how they treated the then secretary rather than policies or procedures generally. They were not too bad about process, but the then secretary was unfairly treated. See http://johnaugust.com.au/article/joining-pirate-party
[18:08] stbernard [BOT] : Title: Joining the Pirate Party | John August : Permutations (at johnaugust.com.au)
[18:08] @DanielJ : Local knowledge is good :-) are there any key local issues for bennelong that you are passionate about that you are able to campaign on specific to the electorate and that may be relatable to pirate policies.
[18:08] @DanielJ : Thanks John :-)
[18:09] @Frew : Any more questions?
[18:10] twisty_ : I'm good. thanks everyone.
[18:11] @Frew : Meeting closed!!!!
[18:11] JohnAugust : I acknowledge that it is hard to link Pirate policies to local issues - though there are issues people have as consumers and also in the creative fields. Open government and transparency around development - a rational transparent approach - might also overlap. However, even these are more state than federal issues.

Darren McIntosh

Darren McIntosh was not in attendance, no prior notice was received

Sam Kearns

[14:25] SamKearns : Hello
[14:25] SamKearns : quick cut'n'paste from my nomination text first
[14:25] SamKearns : Electronic Musician, Father and Software Engineer. For the last decade I have taken a keen interest in politics especially relating to copyright, privacy and the erosion of civil rights and liberties by corporate influence. The issues central to the Pirate Party are important to the success of this nation and deserve quality representation. I identify strongly with core Pirate Party principles, I'm a tech geek, pirates are my people. Never held a
[14:25] SamKearns : membership or otherwise been actively involved with any other political party or movement. Voted Green or independent before joining PPAU.
[14:25] SamKearns : Member of Pirate Party Australia since January 2012 and served on the national council as Deputy Treasurer from 2012 to 2013. Researched, wrote, hosted and produced all episodes of Pirate Party Australia Webcast. The webcast will be produced again on a regular basis as part of my campaign.
[14:27] SamKearns : Further to that I have a very fair minded and compassionate approach to debating Pirate issues. It is a strong value of mine to avoid negative debating tactics and to focus on what we as a nation can do rather than what our opponents should not
[14:29] SamKearns : I believe that the archive of PPAU webcasts, which I wrote and produced entirely on my own without any editorial supervision demonstrates that I am capable of representing the party with sensitivity to our public image
[14:30] SamKearns : It's easy to be angry about issues, it's a lot harder to represent them in a way that is relateable to people who are unfamiliar with our movement
[14:31] SamKearns : I believe that this education mission is still our primary obstacle and one that requires a measured approach
[14:32] @Frew : Questions for Sam?
[14:32] SamKearns : If people want to know my stance on specific issues, then just ask, on the whole I am strongly aligned with all of our core principles so I'm not going to waste a lot of words here restating all that stuff unless asked
[14:33] twisty_ : G'day Sam. Would you expand a bit more on "eductaion mission"
[14:34] @DanielJ : Hi Sam, So you're in a good place at the moment timewise & commitment-wise to be able to spend time during the coming weeks doing election campaign related stuff?
[14:35] SamKearns : twisty_: Though the profile is rising slowly all the time, most people still have no idea what we are about. Many people think we are a bit of a joke party until you manage to give them even a 5 minute spiel on what we are about and then their opinion changes easily and significantly.
[14:36] twisty_ : thanks Sam
[14:36] SamKearns : We need a lot more resources out there for people to find out about the party, and no, people are not going to read the wiki or our blog unless they already know us. We really need more personable and relatable media like podcasts and videos that are more shareable. The part has done good work on Memes in the past
[14:37] SamKearns : I will produce the podcast again and I also have a specific interest in being able to produce video content as well
[14:37] SamKearns : even if it's just a video edition of the podcast
[14:37] SamKearns : that is a start at least
[14:37] Nuclear_Pi : While several of our party issues are being discussed this election, the majority of the focus seems to be elsewhere. Do think publishing work or discussions relating to stuff like negative gearing would help raise our profile or should we focus on what we know?
[14:38] SamKearns : DanielJ: That's a really good question, if you know me then you know that the reason I didn't run at the last election is because I was going through a lot of personal shit
[14:38] SamKearns : Nuclear_Pi: short answer, absolutely, it's very important that we engage on national issues and not just "pirate issues"
[14:39] alexjago : They're national issues precisely because they affect everybody
[14:40] @DanielJ : Ive certainly had my own times like that and still in the midst of some of it all now which is part of why i was only going to run if we didnt have enough nominees etc. ;-)
[14:40] SamKearns : DanielJ: Full transparency - Without going into too much personal details (divorce, financial disaster etc) all of that stuff has been completely squared away now, I am financially in the green, and I am about to buy a newish car and move into my own place
[14:41] Nuclear_Pi : I can relate too, although my stuff hapened a few years back
[14:41] SamKearns : and I have funds to do stuff like I've never had before
[14:41] olligobber : SamKearns, I would be concerned that moving house would cut into your time significantly
[14:42] SamKearns : I currently live in one room in a boarding house, I will move in a day.
[14:42] @DanielJ : cool mate :-) It's nice when you start breaking out onto the other side of the shitwave ;-)
[14:42] Brendan : I endorse SamKearns.
[14:43] Brendan : that's my input.
[14:43] SamKearns : Yeah, also right now I am in a totally felxible spot where I have finalised all the old and not committed to anything new
[14:43] Mozart : Sounds good.
[14:43] SamKearns : My only fixed commitmments right now are that I have a full time job in Newcastle and 1 in 7 shared care of my children
[14:44] SamKearns : and yes I would leave the job if elected
[14:44] SamKearns : and could easily move again to best serve my new position

Joshua Pearson

[14:47] joshpearson : Good Afternoon all and thanks very much for this opportunity
[14:47] joshpearson : Also thanks Sam for an excellent summary of your position
[14:48] joshpearson : To be honest, I became a full member only recently because I wanted to contribute more to the political landscape of Australia and none of the other parties seemed to fully represent the things I hold to be important
[14:49] joshpearson : I thought I was just going to volunteer to support whoever was running in NSW but when I saw that there was only one potential candidate I put my name forward because at some point I guess you have to get off the sidelines I help.
[14:50] joshpearson : If I'm being honest, someone like Sam seems a much candidate than I would be. The thought of running a campaign to potentially become a senator of Australia scares the hell out of me.
[14:50] Nuclear_Pi : At least your honest, thats a rare thing in the current political landscape
[14:50] joshpearson : Thank you.
[14:51] edeity : Courageous even... ;)
[14:51] Richard : joshpearson: Much respect for the honest responses
[14:51] @DanielJ : Well Josh, we still need two candidates anyway, and you can always say you endorse sam as the top candidate and yourself as the second candidate if you wish, however you never know, the members may still vote you into the top ballot spot though ;-)
[14:51] @Frew : Questions for Josh?
[14:52] Mozart : You mention in your bio on the wiki that you were an associate member before becoming a full member. What was the reason for that?
[14:52] olligobber : Hey Josh, how much time will you be able to commit to campaigning?
[14:52] SimonGnieslaw : I don't think that there is anything wrong with that. If you share the ideals are are willing to represent the party then why not? Each state needs two candidates so if you feel up for the job you could still make a good contribution even if you are #2.
[14:53] Rundll : I like people who are 'scared as hell' of being a senator joshpearson, my view is the not-power hungry are usually the best people for the job ;)
[14:53] Rundll : What issue/s were the tipping point for you in deciding to join the Pirate Party?
[14:54] SamKearns : joshpearson: Scares the crap out of me too mate ;)
[14:54] joshpearson : Mozart: I initally joined as an associate a year ago because I wasn't sure of how involved I wanted to be in politics. I'm skeptical and a touch cynical of politics I suppose. But with the way the political discourse in Australia has been going I felt it was time to become more actively involved in helping change that.
[14:54] Mozart : Ta.
[14:54] joshpearson : I have a full time job contracting at Sydney Uni (I'm a contractor and not permanently employed by them so I don't htink this is a conflict of interest) but other than that I have the time to contribute to a campaign and my life is reasonably settled
[14:56] CAPT-Irrelevant : Being on a contract, what are the odds they will demand work from you at a time that we'll need you?
[14:56] joshpearson : Rundll: The biggest issue that has really motivated me the most is the NBN fiasco and how it represents the opinion towards the tech sector in Australia that the coalition currently holds. I feel that is an indicator that they don't appreciate the importance of that project.
[14:57] @DanielJ : Thanks Josh. From time to time in life people find themselves suddenly standing in front of a room full of strangers and needing to talk/present etc. How are you with that sort of thing when such ocassions have arisen?
[14:57] CAPT-Irrelevant : A comment in extension of my question, I tend to find that "fulltime" and "contractor" are kinda an oxymoron.
[14:57] joshpearson : capt-irrelevant: The odds are extremely small that would happen. Never say never. But it is very much a 9-5 contract doing desktop migrations
[14:57] CAPT-Irrelevant : kk
[14:57] @DanielJ : (assuming they have for you in teh past)
[14:57] joshpearson : If something was to land in my lap then obviously I would struggle, but the next three months of projects have been mapped out and I have the time
[14:58] joshpearson : Have I missed any questions?
[14:58] joshpearson : Talking in front of strangers
[14:58] joshpearson : Actually that wouldn't be too much of an issue for me. I was a stand up comedian in London for two years and have dealt with that anxiety well and truly
[14:58] SimonGnieslaw : If something landed in your lap are you willing to put pirate commitments first ahead of that?
[14:59] joshpearson : I'm comfortable in front of a crowd as a result of having a room full of people stare back at me expecting me to make them laugh
[15:00] SamKearns : oh that is awesome, I totally want and need a co-host for the webcast :)
[15:00] SamKearns : always did
[15:00] joshpearson : simongieslaw: I think I would be willing to do that. But I guess it would depend on what sort of a time frame we're talking about. If it meant quitting my job in order to run. Then I would struggle to justify that. If it meant working 12 hour days then going home and putting in another 6 hours on a campaign, then absolutely I'd do that
[15:00] joshpearson : samkearns: I'd be interested in helping out for sure
[15:01] joshpearson : If i was elected then I would absolutely quit my job to take a position in the senate
[15:04] joshpearson : Thanks very much all. Fletcher I will email you

Northern Territory

No nominations were received for this region


Eric Briese

Eric Briese sent a formal apology prior to the meeting

Christopher Harris

Christopher Harris was not in attendance, no prior notice was received

Brandon Selic

[15:07] Brandon__ : Hi
[15:07] Brandon__ : Sorry about the drop outs earlier, was having some connection issues
[15:07] @DanielJ : Hi Brandon
[15:07] Nuclear_Pi : I'm guessing your a supporter of the NBN?
[15:08] Brandon__ : I am, but not just as a tech issue, but as an infrastructure issue
[15:09] Brandon__ : In regards to a candidacy statement, I have a little to add outside of what the nomination page already states.
[15:10] Brandon__ : I freely admit I may not be the best person for the job; I don't come from an IT background and so don't represent the Party's "core"on many fronts.
[15:10] CAPT-Irrelevant : IT background not mandatory.
[15:10] CAPT-Irrelevant : It's just coincidence.
[15:10] @Frew : Im a musician and President ;)
[15:11] @Frew : Questions for Brandon__
[15:11] Brandon__ : However, I'm throwing my hat into the ring as I felt if I was going to ask others to step up and be active in the country's politics, I should do so myself.
[15:11] SimonGnieslaw : In which ways do you feel different to the party and would you be able to put those aside to do what the party wants?
[15:11] Brandon__ : If there are better candidates, I will happily support them.
[15:12] Rebecca : I think candidates without a professional IT background are a huge advantage - shows that the party isn't so narrowly focused :)
[15:12] CAPT-Irrelevant : ^
[15:12] Brandon__ : I support the party''s policies,so it's not so much a matter of feeling different, more that I feel we should expand beyond our policy base into other areas. In that vein I've supported our Domestic Violence Policy Committee and our Prison Reform Policy Committee.
[15:12] @DanielJ : oh Brandon, much as we shoudlnt have so many lawyers in parliament, your background is proabbly ideal, we have no shortage of IT background people ;-)
[15:13] @DanielJ : (in the party that is)
[15:13] joshpearson : Hi Brandon, I personally think it is great that there is someone from a non IT background, what do you consider to be your core political interests?
[15:13] Brandon__ : I was going to bring up the lawyer thing; we do need less of them in politics as well.I'm hoping to encourage others from more diverse backgrounds to step up as well.
[15:14] Rebecca : your candidacy statement mentions expanding PP's platform - what areas in particular do you think deserve more attention?
[15:14] Rebecca : oh, you sort of answered that!
[15:14] Rebecca : (slow net connection, sorry :p)
[15:15] Brandon__ : My core political interests are essentially the basics; I want to see law reform in certain areas, but I want to also see infrastructure expansion and more efforts put into education and medical systems
[15:15] * @DanielJ goes afk for a few mins again, sorry: kid dramas. brb and will try follow from mobile anyway
[15:15] Nuclear_Pi : you mentioned that you feel the pirate party may find it necessary to ally with other, similar prties to achieve our goals. In the event of such an alliance forming, what would you suggest doing to preserve our political aims and interests?
[15:17] Brandon__ : Some sort of compromise will be inevitable if we want to work with other parties. But such compromises can't be for the benefit of individuals above the party, nor can it be a selling out of our principles. If we can't preserve our political aims and interests (assuming of course they are the correct course of action), we probably shouldn't be making those alliances.
[15:18] edeity : Brandon - why Pirate Party over other options ? There are many small parties with similar agendas.. or even Aus Dems or Greens...
[15:18] @Frew : The Dems are dead arent they?
[15:18] Brandon__ : I was an Australian Democrat. They're dead. In part because of compromises for benefits for individuals rather than the party or the greater good.
[15:19] twisty_ : G'day Brandon. What's your view on drug law reform? Do you see any connection with prison reform and DV?
[15:19] Brandon__ : As for the Greens, I found I couldn't agree with if not some of their policies, some of their party members. I've found the Pirate Party to be a more rational choice.
[15:20] Brandon__ : I feel Drug Law reform is an essential tie-in with Prison Reform. However, those are both issues that won't get you a lot of votes.
[15:22] twisty_ : Thanks Brandon.
[15:22] @Frew : ok, good to move on?
[15:23] Brandon__ : One more thing to add?
[15:23] @Frew : Go for it
[15:24] Brandon__ : I agree with SamKearns; we should be keeping this campaign positive. But I do feel that if we should be highlighting that both major parties have failed on a variety of fronts in Australia, and that a change is needed, even if it isn't the Pirate Party.
[15:24] Brandon__ : Now I'm done. Thank you.
[15:25] SamKearns : Agree Brandon__, on the "anyone but Lib/Lab" sentiment

Isaac Pursehouse

[15:25] IsaacP[QLD] : Hi everyone, I know there is a small novel on my nomination page so here is an overview
[15:25] IsaacP[QLD] : I have been a "Consultant for NGOs" for more than 3 years where I basically help community/NGO groups get their message out and understood so they can get what they want done.
[15:25] IsaacP[QLD] : Have held regional/national leadership/training positions with several big NGOs, such as Engineers Without Borders and Amnesty International. One of which was building and running the SEQ regional “PC’s Project” for EWB where we take newly arrived refugees and put them through an equivalent Cert2 IT course and get them to refurbish their own computer that they can then take home
[15:26] IsaacP[QLD] : I was sick of seeing a lot of names and parties on ballot sheets that I had no idea about, so before the 2013 election decided to find a party that matched as close to my own philosophies as possible and discovered the near perfect match of the PPAu and started attending meetings about 18 months ago
[15:27] IsaacP[QLD] : I provided campaign training to the Greens for the QLD state election and have done talks and presentations to many groups and even coached speakers for QUT’s TEDx event a couple of years back
[15:28] IsaacP[QLD] : Decided to go into government as I had worked my way up from grassroots level challenging issues that can only be overcome at higher levels
[15:28] IsaacP[QLD] : ie volunteer>group leader>regional>national>independent contractor>government
[15:28] IsaacP[QLD] : I did however think I would have another year or two to get involved at the local level before heading into the senate :p
[15:29] IsaacP[QLD] : I am technically a full time student atm and just doing the odd contract job on the side so I can easily organise my time around any campaigning commitments
[15:29] IsaacP[QLD] : I really think I can be a candidate for the “Party with a silly name” that can be taken seriously by the general population
[15:29] IsaacP[QLD] : Sorry that was still huge
[15:29] IsaacP[QLD] : Questions, Queries, Comments?
[15:29] Mozart : Informative.
[15:30] IsaacP[QLD] : I may have cheated and thought about what others were asking
[15:30] SamKearns : hehe
[15:30] Mozart : Pragmatic.
[15:30] Rebecca : assuming you don't land in the senate, do you see yourself taking on a more active role in the party in future? (ie national council, committee/working group membership, press team, and so on)
[15:31] joshpearson : Hi Isaac, with you experience at a grassroots level, how would you go about growing a grassroots movement for the Pirate Party?
[15:31] joshpearson : *your
[15:32] IsaacP[QLD] : @Rebecca: I have been working on being more involved at the local level nere in brisbane since I first joined and am willing to put my hand up for anything
[15:32] IsaacP[QLD] : I have offered to take over the comms role but there are appently issues with contacting members/privacy
[15:34] Richard : Great intro Isaac! What subject-matter do you provide training in?
[15:34] IsaacP[QLD] : @joshpearson: I am actully very well know acrosss the community sector here in brisbane, but unfurtunatley most of the people I know are greens/Labor focused, so Im not sure I can convert them in time for this election
[15:34] IsaacP[QLD] : I do like my odds for next time though
[15:35] @DanielJ : (An issue that should be less of an issue once the new membership db is up and running etc. ie roles with varying levels of access to data etc) :-)
[15:36] IsaacP[QLD] : @Richard: I mostly provide training in group facilitation and leadership, member engagment and retention, Stakeholder engagment, that sort of thing
[15:37] IsaacP[QLD] : general communications stratergy aimed at what it is you want to actually say
[15:38] IsaacP[QLD] : Basically letting people know what you are doing and that its is so awesome they should do it too
[15:39] @Frew : Any more questions? Statements? Comments?
[15:39] IsaacP[QLD] : FYI statements will be met with sarcasm
[15:40] Richard : All good - Thanks IsaacP, I'm sure you will contribute a lot to this party.
[15:40] IsaacP[QLD] : Thanks All :)
[15:40] joshpearson : Thanks very much IsaacP

South Australia

No nominations were received for this region


Richard Burleigh

[15:41] Richard : I've worked in senior management positions at several large NGOs over the past 5 years, and am currently the 'Data & Insights Manager' for CARE Australia, an international humanitarian organisation.
[15:42] Richard : I currently run a TOR relay, have used Bitcoin regularly since 2010, and have advocated for and implemented FOSS at various NGOs.
[15:42] Richard : I am a strong believer in the power of knowledge and am known to research all sides of an issue to the point of obsession. I love the fact that PPAU is a participatory democracy, and respect that there may be times we disagree, in which case I will of course put the party positions above my own.
[15:42] Richard : I believe the coming few years will dictate where we stand as a county and our place in the modern world - whether it be the slippery-slope towards the deprivation of liberty in the name of national security, the imprisonment of refugees in detention centres, or the way in which we treat our most vulnerable citizens.
[15:42] Richard : The Pirate Party's involvement in challenging the career-politicians with rationality and evidence is essential to the advancement of this county, and I will do anything I can to contribute.
[15:43] Richard : Big thanks to everyone who came before me - I couldn't have prepared that shamelessly copy & pasted intro without you!
[15:44] IsaacP[QLD] : I concur
[15:44] @Frew : Questions comments etc?
[15:44] @DanielJ : :-) I'm really liking our lineup of potential candidates :-D
[15:45] Rundll : +1 DanielJ
[15:45] edeity : what kinds of databases do you use?
[15:45] edeity : ...this is of course what the electorate cares about.....
[15:46] Nuclear_Pi : One of the potential downsides of a participatory democracy like this is that important descisions can sometimes take too long to be reached. Do you have any ideas or suggestions for getting around this problem should it arise in the future?
[15:47] Richard : edeity: Haha, MariaDB when I get my way, Microsoft SQL when I do not.
[15:48] joshpearson : Hi Richard, I'd like to play devil's advocate and find out how you would react to a situation where a candidate/politician from another party might play the fear of crime card against you and link your TOR relay and Bitcoin support and adoption to infer some sort of criminality on your part. How would you respond? How you would you shut down that sort of argument?
[15:48] olligobber : joshpearson, good question!
[15:50] Richard : Nuclear_Pi: That's a good question to ask. After lurking on IRC for a while, I know that the National Council are generally available and are obviously quite adept at speaking for the party, however I am also comfortable making difficult decisions and am often required to do so in my day-job.
[15:51] joshpearson : to be honest i think it might also be a good question for isaacp, people have earlier mentioned the diversity of this group and how it is a strength that we could use, he would seem to have experience handling this and if potential candidates could work together to deal with these sorts of questions then i think we would be stronger as a party
[15:52] olligobber : joshpearson, maybe continue that with IsaacP[QLD] on the discussion forum
[15:52] Nuclear_Pi : good to hear, its a question that I myself dont have an answer either, co-operation is probably our greatest strength in those scenarios
[15:52] Nuclear_Pi : *answer too
[15:53] IsaacP[QLD] : There are certainly plenty of available stratergies when it comes to deciding how to make decisions
[15:55] @Frew : Any more questions? Cooments?
[15:55] Richard : joshpearson: You have officially won the 'best question' award for this meeting. You raise a really good point. I have been respectfully challenged on both TOR and BitCoin by friends and co-workers many times, and I love the opportunity to educate people on the legitimate uses of these technologies. In most cases, people come around to the technologies once clear arguments have been made, but I respect that some people will always disagree with them.
[15:56] olligobber : I don't believe Richard has the authority to award such a prestigious title
[15:57] Nuclear_Pi : Aye
[15:57] edeity : ;)
[15:58] @Frew : All good to move on now?
[15:58] SimonGnieslaw : aye 'tis a good question though
[15:58] Richard : I'm good. Thanks everyone!
[15:58] @DanielJ : Heheheh
[15:59] SamKearns : TBH I think issues like use of Bitcoin and TOR are so obscure that an opponent wouldn't even raise them because the general population would not understand the criticism being made.

Lachlan Simpson

Lachlan Simpson sent a formal apology prior to the meeting

Luke Housego

[16:00] edeity : hello
[16:00] edeity : I'm Luke Housego
[16:00] edeity : I have some copypasta
[16:01] edeity : 42 years old, I have 2 teenage children. Professionally I am a management consultant, started my career as programmer. I work a lot in strategy and architecture.
[16:01] edeity : Interest in politics was from university years. I formed a faction within Young Labor and took control of all student bodies at my university. Helped in a few state and a federal election in organising and campaigning.
[16:01] edeity : Was part of electing a small party to the senate in NSW.
[16:01] edeity : Not here to buff my resume. Here because Pirate Party is needed. The core of what the party stands for - transparency, privacy and information freedom - are IMO the most important issues for Australia for the very near future.
[16:01] edeity : PPAU has a fantastic capability in Policy development - I am impressed with how it has grown over the years and want to see it continue.
[16:02] edeity : We also need a voice that is focused, a voice that has a clear view on our core issues. The voters know already they are important, they dont know who can represent a solid view on them.
[16:02] edeity : Skills: I get people to believe in what I'm selling. I raise money. I recruit people. I am blunt and honest, and people like that in someone they want to have a long term relationship with.
[16:02] edeity : What I have done for this campaign already: recruited an experienced social media manager (built communities into thousands of members from scratch), have a crack team of internet meme makers "Meme Team 6" with extensive experience it spreading messages with low budgets, and am looking forward to working in a Campaign role even if not selected.
[16:02] edeity : and finally..
[16:02] edeity : EDEITY COPYPASTA ...I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals...... ;)
[16:02] edeity : couldn't resist...
[16:03] Nuclear_Pi : what is the character limit on posts in here? would the whole thing fit?
[16:03] @Fletcher : please no
[16:03] @Frew : Questions etc?
[16:04] MarkG : Those are impressive creds
[16:04] Nuclear_Pi : what was the small party you helped get to the senate?
[16:04] Rebecca : you have a very extensive (and colourful!) web presence. do you stand by all the opinions expressed in the reddit acct linked on discourse and do you feel that they are appropriate for a senate candidate & representative of PPAU?
[16:05] edeity : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Breen_(Australian_politician)
[16:06] MarkG : I know Peter Breen, he's a great speaker
[16:06] SimonGnieslaw : Luke, I am really concerned about your experience on 4chan, HOIC/LOIC(voluntarily participating in DDOS attacks), and acting with "anonymous". I think that the link to these kind of activities could hurt the party. Do you have a response to that?
[16:06] edeity : my online opinions have a context. considering i am regularly scanned by very conservative organisations regularly and this online identity is intentionally easily connect to me, I stand by the context in which the statements are made - usually humourous or to troll.
[16:07] @Fletcher : edeity, do you believe that voters will make that distinction?
[16:08] edeity : I think it is ridiculous to judge someone as unsuitable because they appreciate technology culture. If anything I would be regarded as a feminist and deeply concerned about social welfare.
[16:08] Rebecca : do you think "I was trolling" would be an effective response if a media organisation quizzed you about being banned from reddit for "calling a whore a whore"?
[16:08] Nuclear_Pi : It would be farily easy to give it a negative spin, particularly amongst the conservative and/or less tech savvy voting population
[16:08] edeity : i think it is a point that is key to pirate party policy
[16:08] SimonGnieslaw : You sound very accomplished but I wouldn't want to be represented by a self-professed troll. Please give me a good reason that we should vote for you?
[16:09] Mozart : What drew you to both the Labor and Liberal parties, and why did you leave them?
[16:10] edeity : i am an engaged and enthusiastic online cultural contributor. Have never harassed or hurt anyone.
[16:10] SamKearns : Rebecca: It works for Milo Yiannopoulos, not that I endorse wht he says...
[16:10] MarkG : Luke, one of the things we'd like to do in this election is use our publicity and interviews to bolster recruitment so we can register for state elections, which have lower quotas. Do you think you'd be good at creating opportunities for recruiting and so on?
[16:10] edeity : and trump....
[16:10] edeity : i would... but we would need to change some things
[16:11] edeity : its difficult to engage in the party, to get to know each other
[16:11] edeity : we need to use technology to bridge that gap
[16:11] Nuclear_Pi : how exactly?
[16:12] edeity : i left the ALP because they just didnt get technology and innovation. Libs I was hoping to change from within but i got busy professionally and it was too uphill a battle
[16:12] edeity : well, there is a lot to learn from open source communities and gaming communities
[16:12] edeity : they solve this problem well every day
[16:13] edeity : create opportunities for members to express themselves, connect and do things together
[16:13] Mozart : You describe yourself as 'not a generic leftist'; can you expand on that?
[16:13] edeity : certainly!
[16:14] edeity : the pirate party is really important imo
[16:14] edeity : we need to stand out to a broader base than just those who see us a platform for progressive change
[16:15] edeity : it does not mean i am against being progressive, but our core is bigger than a facsimile of many other parties
[16:16] Rebecca : so what involvement did you have with HOIC/LOIC aside from DDoSing websites? while you can argue DDoS is morally a grey area (depending on the target) I think it's still pretty clearly a harmful and illegal activity
[16:16] Nuclear_Pi : certainly it can be spun that way
[16:17] edeity : indeed it can. lets say i have a cultural affinity for the culture but i am also very pro business and of course fully only within the law
[16:17] edeity : its about people having a voice
[16:17] edeity : a right to protest - so we should be channeling that positively
[16:17] edeity : this is one of the reasons this party is so important
[16:18] SamKearns : It can also be spun that he is passionate about issues and frustrated with narrowing opportunities for political expression but has now found a more constructive outlet
[16:18] Nuclear_Pi : good point
[16:18] SamKearns : Think of the Greens history
[16:18] edeity : We need people who understand the internet in the Senate
[16:19] edeity : the internet is not just facebook and tinder
[16:19] edeity : it affects the potential of australias future
[16:20] Mozart : Still not quite clear on what you mean by 'we need to stand out to a broader base than just those who see us a platform for progressive change'.
[16:20] edeity : ok
[16:22] edeity : when i socialise that i am in the pirate party and people are interested and they have a look, going to some effort, the feedback is usually along the lines of "just another leftist bunch of uni students that got old" - why dont you focus on the internet and privacy? thats what matters.
[16:22] IsaacP[QLD] : If I may, I think conducting a DDOS is the digital equivilent of chaining yourself to a tree. It is a way of showing civil disobedience that most of the party would understand but not necessarily offically approve of, and is what will mark the party for years to come in the way the Greens are know for being "Tree Huggers"
[16:22] edeity : indeed
[16:23] SimonGnieslaw : Isaac, that's why I hate the greens though.
[16:24] IsaacP[QLD] : even thought they havent really been tree huggers since the 80s?
[16:24] edeity : a lot of greens rank and file are still what you could class as tree huggers, but the party is now highly professional and i respect them a lot
[16:24] Mozart : Does that mean you are of the view that our policies should be reduced?
[16:24] SimonGnieslaw : I don't think that it's a good image. the Tree Hugger identity did a lot of damage to them in the mainstream.
[16:25] edeity : no, its more about prioritisation of our message
[16:25] edeity : i think the breadth of policy is fantastic
[16:25] IsaacP[QLD] : That sort of branding can take generations to be replaced, which is why we need to be very carful about the image presented
[16:25] edeity : and should continue to grow
[16:26] Mozart : A look at our press releases demonstrates significant prioritisation of Internet-related issues, in my opinion.
[16:26] @Frew : indeed
[16:26] edeity : i cant be traced to ddos attacks and certainly have no intention on involvement in any going forward
[16:26] SimonGnieslaw : Our chat logs and discussions are public record, we are very transparent.
[16:27] edeity : yes
[16:27] edeity : have i said something about me doing something illegal? i dont think i have
[16:27] SimonGnieslaw : I think that you would be a great voice to help shape our policies and you have some good opinions, but I will not be voting for you in pre-selection
[16:28] @Frew : a bit of civil disobedience is needed at times IMO
[16:28] Rebecca : going back my concerns around how the media is going to perceive your web presence - do you still feel that women are locked out of leadership roles primarily due to other less qualified women who are willing to sleep their way to the top?
[16:28] SimonGnieslaw : Maybe Luke could share his reasons for supporting civil disobedience?
[16:28] edeity : hmmm... what is the context of that statement? im assuming thats from reddit
[16:29] Rebecca : https://www.reddit.com/r/aspergers/comments/1zzg9b/tech_startups_women_and_aspergers_failure_of/cfye5ks
[16:29] stbernard : Title: edeity comments on Tech, Startups, Women and Aspergers - failure of media to get the connection. Start microwaving your popcorn, there will be rants. (at www.reddit.com)
[16:29] IsaacP[QLD] : I admire your passion and commitment to the cause Luke but I agree with Simon that your skills would be better suited to a less public facing role
[16:30] SimonGnieslaw : Just from your recent posts, what are referring to with "LGBT & AIO rights brrt... brrrt... brrrt.."?
[16:30] edeity : thats a comment specific to women with aspergers and i was actually sharing the view of a woman with aspergers
[16:31] edeity : A10 is a famous meme
[16:31] edeity : http://i.imgur.com/131sOse.png
[16:32] edeity : its about coopting the sexual identity debate to something completely different
[16:32] SimonGnieslaw : So basically making fun of people who actually take LGB and Gender issues seriously. Not a good look
[16:32] Rebecca : so that whole post was written by someone else? I don't see any disclaimers to that effect, it just looks like your own opinions
[16:32] edeity : no its not making fun
[16:32] @Frew : famous? never seen it
[16:32] edeity : ummm
[16:33] edeity : its like major
[16:33] edeity : ok
[16:33] @Frew : not in my circles
[16:33] SimonGnieslaw : I have seen the meme before
[16:33] Rebecca : and still, saying that NT women are sleeping their way to the top of tech companies is pretty gross
[16:33] Nuclear_Pi : I've run into a variant before, always been just another copypasta
[16:33] Mozart : Do you people ever get off the Internet? 0.o
[16:34] edeity : well i was sharing a view of a woman with aspergers
[16:34] Nuclear_Pi : Everyone sleeps sometime!
[16:34] @Frew : Any more questions for edeity?
[16:35] @Frew : Thanks edeity

At the end of the meeting the following question was directed at Luke

[17:51] @Fletcher : edeity : What I have done for this campaign already: recruited an experienced social media manager
[17:51] @Fletcher : is that someone we already know or someone you've recruited for your campaign specifically or something else
[17:52] edeity : tts someone who i know that is interested in helping me
[17:52] edeity : american
[17:52] @Fletcher : cheers
[17:53] Rundll : Do they have a name / handle on twitter etc?
[17:54] edeity : his primary communication mechanism besides slack is snapchat... which i really dont recommend.....

Joshua Kelly

[16:35] Nuclear_Pi : G'day
[16:37] Nuclear_Pi : So I've just recently posted wall of text over in the discussion forum which I feel does a fairly good job of conveying my beliefs, but I feel I should reiterate who I am and why I'm running
[16:37] Nuclear_Pi : Essentially, I feel that the turmoil and unpredictability of the recently announced election has created a serious opportunity for us to improve our profile on the australian electoral scene
[16:38] Nuclear_Pi : I've spent most of my short time with the party lurking and as such dont have much of a prescence here
[16:38] Nuclear_Pi : but in spite of that I just cant bring myself to pass this chance up, so I've decided to run.
[16:39] Nuclear_Pi : Obviously I lack experience, but I think that can be mitigated with enough guidance and support from my fellow party members
[16:39] Nuclear_Pi : on a personal skills level, I'm confident speaker, and an exceptionally calm and patient man, especially in awkward or stressful circumstances
[16:40] Nuclear_Pi : I feel these would make great assets in a position like this
[16:40] Nuclear_Pi : I'm ahppy to answer any questions you guys might have
[16:40] @Frew : Questions people!
[16:42] twisty_ : G'day Josh. How will you cope with a long campaign?
[16:42] SimonGnieslaw : What values are your core beliefs?
[16:43] Nuclear_Pi : right now I'm studying a TAFE course on fabrication and engineering, I've already discussed the possibility of having to take a break with my instructors and it appears to not be a problem. I do not have any other pressing obligations preventing me from running a long campaign
[16:44] joshpearson : Hi Nuclear_Pi how would you go about selling your inexperience to an electorate that may be skeptical of somebody like that? Guidance and support from party members would obviously be crucial but you couldn't really say just that to a voter, is there some way that you think you could bridge that gap to convince a voter they should vote for you?
[16:45] Brandon__ : We need more engineers in politics
[16:45] Nuclear_Pi : Selling my inexperience would indeed be very tricky, I feel my best bet would be to focus on the enthusiasm and dedication traditionally associated with younger politicians
[16:46] Nuclear_Pi : there may also be an angle around me not having been in politics long enough to fall victim to the widespread cynicism and self interest that tend to be associated with career politicians
[16:46] * @DanielJ thinks "inexperience" can also be an asset. Look at Ricky Muir ;-)
[16:46] twisty_ : ^ this
[16:46] SimonGnieslaw : Joshua you look very youthful! Do you mind me asking your age and your experience in recent years?
[16:46] MarkG : yeah, you can cite Ricky Muir if the experience stuff comes up. Sometimes not having been through a party machine is a good thing
[16:47] Brandon__ : Yup
[16:47] Rebecca : are there any areas of the current platform that you disagree with or think could be expanded on?
[16:47] Nuclear_Pi : I'm 22 years old, going on 23. I do often get carded buying beer so its not suprising I look young
[16:48] SamKearns : I have no experience in running for office, I've never even been a manager. Nobody asked me about that. Also, agree with DJ that these days in politics "professional" is often synonymous with a lack of authenticity
[16:48] Nuclear_Pi : I was following a discussion on corporate tax reform the other day which didnt seem to be heading in a direction I agreed with, but other than that I have yet to encounter any serious disagreements with the party line
[16:48] MarkG : we'd like to use this election as a way to bolster recruitment. Will you keep an eye out during the campaign for opportunities to bring in new members?
[16:49] Nuclear_Pi : certainly, I will try my best regardless of whether or not I get nominated
[16:49] MarkG : :)
[16:49] Nuclear_Pi : generally speaking, I believe this parties core values of freedom of information and government transperancy are important enough to support regardless of potential minor policy disagreements
[16:50] Mozart : Also worth pointing out that all successful nominees will receive media training to help them fend off journalists.
[16:50] Nuclear_Pi : sweet
[16:50] SamKearns : Woot
[16:50] Mozart : You say that now …
[16:50] @Frew : I will ask you every hard question I have ever faced
[16:51] Nuclear_Pi : speaking of experience
[16:51] SimonGnieslaw : I don't think it matters if you disagree with some particular policy of the party, we encourage open discussion. As long as you agree with the core values. I don't think that the tax policy needs some more work also.
[16:51] @Frew : well about polcy stuff anyway
[16:51] CAPT-Irrelevant : <Nuclear_Pi> I'm 22 years old, going on 23. // You don't really need to say the "gong on..." bit.
[16:51] Richard : Nuclear_Pi: I really like your introduction on the PPAU Wiki. It sounds like at age 22 you have experienced more than most, and have a huge amount of maturity. You mention that working at the 'bottom' has given you insights - Can you talk a little about how this helps you to represent the party?
[16:51] Nuclear_Pi : its not much, but I did make captain of my high schools debating team back in the day - I even got senior colours for it!
[16:51] Mozart : Assuming you don't get elected, will you continue to play an active role in the Party? And in which areas do you feel you'd be most skilled if so?
[16:52] CAPT-Irrelevant : Captain in debating team. That's useful.
[16:53] Nuclear_Pi : I feel it offers a less common view to that seen currently in politics. We hear a lot about lower income families and individuals in the news (more often than not in the negative) but it seems the majority of politicians and media personalities dont have much practical experience in the area, if you'll forgive me for sounding cliche'd, they 'were'nt there, man!"
[16:54] Nuclear_Pi : it seems from what I've seen that a lot of people, young fit blokes who could really contribute to the workforce are just stuck going from casual job to casual job, convinced they wont ever make it out
[16:55] Nuclear_Pi : I spoke to a guy who absolutely hated the work he was doing, but told me he wouldnt go to TAFE for a qualification because he was "done learning"
[16:56] Nuclear_Pi : I see VCAL kids in my course just throwing away the time and opportunity they are being offered because they only took it as the 'easy way out'
[16:56] MarkG : done learning ! uhoh
[16:56] Nuclear_Pi : this mentality just doesnt seem normal to me, I feel its something I could really help address
[16:57] Nuclear_Pi : the whole thing ties in neatly to my stance on public education
[16:57] joshpearson : Hi Joshua, you raise an interesting point with the "done learning" statement, how would you address it? how would you inspire people to keep learning?
[16:57] Nuclear_Pi : there isnt enough of it, and the little thier is isnt good enough
[16:58] Nuclear_Pi : I dont think theres too much you can do for someone like that at a larger level, but the problem can likely be tackled at the source
[16:58] Nuclear_Pi : these guys are the problem kids from back in primary school, the ones who suffered from poverty or domestic abuse
[16:59] @Frew : Any more questions for Nuclear_Pi?
[17:00] Nuclear_Pi : an increase in funding for our public education system, better incentives for teachers and most critically, expanded welfare to keep these kids in school would do wonders for out economy
[17:00] Brandon__ : ^This
[17:00] Nuclear_Pi : we are going to badly need skilled labour in the near future
[17:01] Nuclear_Pi : assuming no more questions, thanks for listning to that little rant!
[17:01] Rundll : Thank you Nuclear_Pi
[17:01] joshpearson : thanks nuclear_pi
[17:02] twisty_ : thanks Josh

Western Australia

No nominations were received for this region


George Phillips

[17:02] GeorgePhillips : Hi everyone.
[17:03] @DanielJ : :-)
[17:04] GeorgePhillips : I don't know if Tom has explained, but I was really just putting my name down to make up the numbers in Tassie, on the understanding that Tim was going to be nominating too.
[17:04] GeorgePhillips : But I'm not sure if that's still the case or if we got another candidate.
[17:04] Nuclear_Pi : Well one way or the other you've got yourself in the thick of it now
[17:04] GeorgePhillips : Anyways, what to say
[17:05] GeorgePhillips : OK, so I come from a library background, along with a long passion for civil liberties
[17:07] GeorgePhillips : I'm also currently studying computer science part time at UTAS (where I work), so while my technical knowledge isn't on a par with most of you guys, I'm working on it, and I am very familiar with most of the causes the Pirate Party stands for
[17:09] @Frew : let us know when you are done, so people can ask questoins :)
[17:09] GeorgePhillips : I discovered and joined the party a couple of years ago, before which I was politically homeless. It was so exciting to find a party that actually represented my views and beliefs.
[17:09] GeorgePhillips : Ok, will do :-)
[17:10] Nuclear_Pi : You say you are currently studying, are your course requirements likely to interfer with running in the event of a nomination?
[17:11] GeorgePhillips : Since then, well, we all know it's been a rather grim and depressing few years for our movement, with ever more draconian laws passed and defeat after defeat, but at least there has been some resistance and I think this election presents an awesome opportunity for the party to break through into the Senate.
[17:13] GeorgePhillips : Ok, I guess I can take questions now. As for the study commitments, I'm only taking one unit a semester under the University's staff development initiative, so I don't think it would be an issue. I could always take a break from my studies for second semester if need be.
[17:14] GeorgePhillips : Honestly, my work commitments would be more of an issue.
[17:14] Nuclear_Pi : oh whoops, when you said 'will do' I thought you meant you were ready for questions, sorry.
[17:15] GeorgePhillips : Lol, np
[17:16] Richard : GeorgePhillips: How comfortable are you running alone in Tasmania?
[17:18] @DanielJ : George. If we opt not to end up running in tassie due to only having the one candidate, how disappointed/upset will you be?
[17:20] GeorgePhillips : I would be disappointed, not for myself, because frankly I didn't expect or really want to be the lead candidate, but disappointed for the party, because I think that with the reduced quotas for a DD, this is a great opportunity for the party, especially in Tassie, so I would hate to see that opportunity squandered.
[17:20] MarkG : we'd like to use our free election publicity as one way to bolster recruitment. Will you keep an eye out during the campaign for opportunities to bring in new members?
[17:22] SimonGnieslaw : Great response George about your disappointment
[17:23] SimonGnieslaw : I hope that another last minute candidate of suitable quality could come up for Tassie and you could be paired with them.
[17:23] GeorgePhillips : Absolutely, Mark. I've already said at previous state party meetings that I feel we should have a more active presence on campus at the very least.
[17:23] @DanielJ : If we were to somehow wrangle another candidate, even if interstate (just to get that second name really, even though I'm not a fan of doing such things and we may not have scope or precedent to do it anyway, would you be willing to take the ball and run as lead/main candidate?)
[17:23] GeorgePhillips : Thanks, Simon, me too.
[17:24] SimonGnieslaw : If you managed to become a second (or even first) runner with another candidate, how strong to you hold the party values and policies? Any particular issues dear to your heart?
[17:25] GeorgePhillips : Um, I'll have to go with a provisional yes for that, Daniel. This has come as a bit of a surprise to me, and there's a lot I'd need to consider, such as my job and whether I'd be willing to give up my British citizenship (I'm a dual citizen).
[17:26] Nuclear_Pi : forgive my ignorance but is that necessary? I thought you just had to Hold an Australian citizenship to run?
[17:26] @DanielJ : No worries George. Just considering options and thinking out loud a little.
[17:27] @DanielJ : Nuclear_Pi: you can't take your seat in parliament if you are a dual citizen. (Hence some sort of "birther"-like movement regarding Abbott)
[17:27] Rundll : You cannot have citizenship with any other nation to be a senator
[17:27] Nuclear_Pi : I see, well you learn something new every day...
[17:28] @DanielJ : :-)
[17:28] alexjago : you can totally run from interstate, other parties do it all the time
[17:28] @Frew : It isnt ideal
[17:28] joshpearson : Oh wow, ok well I guess that i something I should declare as I too am a dual citizen but I would be willing to give it up
[17:29] Rundll : technically correct alexjago, but hard to argue you're doing it for the people of that state
[17:29] [META] GeorgePhillips was disconnected
[17:29] alexjago : like both the LDP and the Sex party had their *lead* Tassie candidate come from interstate in 2013
[17:30] @Frew : One of them was Mayor of Campbelltown NSW at the time
[17:30] @Frew : Any more questions for George?
[17:30] SimonGnieslaw : Off the bat, are there any members from other states running for pre-selection who would volunteer to relocate to Tassie for the election?
[17:31] [META] GeorgePhillips reconnected
[17:31] @Frew : Any last statements you have George?
[17:31] GeorgePhillips : Oops, sorry about that, aide
[17:31] SimonGnieslaw : I think that George needs NBN too
[17:31] SimonGnieslaw : FTTP NBN that is
[17:31] GeorgePhillips : Oops, sorry about that
[17:31] @DanielJ : Yeah, it's entirely 'legal' and allowed to run from interstate, but personally I don't like the idea as a concept.
[17:31] alexjago : neither do I tbh
[17:32] GeorgePhillips : I sure do, but the NBn
[17:32] GeorgePhillips : I sure do, but the NBN doesn't get rolled out to my house until October, and then only FTTN. :-(
[17:32] @DanielJ : As a party we also have to actual rule about it, just we've preferred people to run where or near where they live.
[17:32] @DanielJ : *no actual rule about it
[17:33] @DanielJ : (Re interstate running etc) ... I think anyway. ;-)
[17:33] alexjago : O/T: I actually support having high nomination-signature requirements for candidates to get on the ballot (and commensurate reduction in nomination fees)
[17:33] GeorgePhillips : Hell, I don't even have ADSL yet - I just moved house and it doesn't get connected til next week.
[17:33] GeorgePhillips : But yes, fixing the NBN is definitely another big issue that I think there would be a lot of public support for.