Election Committee Draft ToR

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This document is currently under development and is not approved or endorsed by the party.
Some statements may be incorrect, unverified or otherwise objectionable to party policy or intention, and until such time as it is endorsed by the party, it does not represent the views or intentions of the party.
Please read the discussion on the talk page before making substantial changes to this document.

Terms of Reference


To oversee and coordinate the Pirate Party's 2015 Canning by-election campaign in collaboration with the National Council.


The Election Committee shall include

  • A minimum of two members of the National Council;
  • The Registered Officer or a deputy;
  • A delegate from the Press Team;
  • The candidate; and
  • Other members on a voluntary and ad hoc basis.

Election theme

The Committee must develop a simple campaign concept that sums up what the Pirate Party offers to the electorate. It must tie in with the Pirate Party's main policy areas and sums up why it exists.

Publicity events

The Committee is responsible for organising the campaign launch, public meetings, media stunts and actions in cooperation with relevant committees, teams and working groups.

Election Day

The Committee must develop a plan for the election day including:

  • Using statistics from the AEC to determine which booths should be targeted;
  • Determining the amount of material provided to campaigners;
  • Coordination of the candidate's activities on the day; and
  • Ensuring campaigners are properly prepared and supported on the day itself.

Post-election analysis

After the election the Election Committee must conduct analysis of the election to highlight lessons and results. This report is to be presented to the membership for discussion and future reference.


  • Work with other committees and the National Council to develop an integrated election campaign.
  • Liaise with the Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer to raise funds for publicity.
  • Organise activities designed to raise the profile of the candidate and the Party.
  • Organise how-to-vote cards, both content and distribution.
  • Ensure any material to be distributed complies with regulations.
  • Coordinate polling day activities.
  • Document the process and conduct a final analysis for future campaigns.


The Election Committee shall develop appropriate budgetary requirements for election materials on an individual basis and gain approval from the National Council before authorising or incurring any financial expense on behalf of the Party.

Decision-making procedures

Decision making should be democratic, and decisions made through consensus. The Committee will not be able to make decisions solely, except where these terms of reference allow.


The Election Committee must develop and publish a timeline that includes important dates, such as enrolment deadlines, campaign and policy launches and due dates for electoral materials.

Expected duration

The Committee will run until two weeks after the 2015 Canning by-election.