Federal Election 2022/Preselection Meeting 2022-04-03/Minutes/Log
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Meeting Minutes
This document is a record of a meeting. Do not edit this document without contacting the relevant group first.
Meeting Log
This page contains a transcript or log of a meeting that occurred on 3rd April 2022. It should be used for reference only and does not need to be edited.
Raw meeting chat log. Please note that times are in UTC+8 (i.e. Perth time).
--- Log opened Sun Apr 03 13:17:16 2022 13:18 < alexjago/D> still no youtube stream 13:18 < Miles/D> https://youtu.be/nJ3DyXW38Wo live stream here 13:21 < Miles/D> https://pirateparty.org.au/wiki/Federal_Election_2022/Preselection_Nominations 13:21 < Miles/D> https://pirateparty.org.au/wiki/National_Congress_Standing_Orders 13:22 < alexjago/D> I'll build minutes 13:22 < alexjago/D> if poeople can live type 13:23 < Tron92/D> Miles opened the preselection meeting 13:24 < Tron92/D> Miles was the chair of the meeting 13:24 < Satch/D> I take shorthand comments that most people don't understand. 13:25 < Tron92/D> Motion: That the standing orders be accepted 13:25 < Tron92/D> Moved: Miles Seconded: 13:26 < Dr-Liam/D> Aye 13:26 < Miles/D> begin voting 13:26 < Miles/D> i vote aye 13:26 < Tron92/D> aye 13:26 < mandrke/D> aye 13:26 < Satch/D> Aye 13:26 < milspec/D> aye 13:26 < {Sam}/D> aye 13:26 < Gimmeadrink/D> aye 13:26 < Hahaloluwu/D> Aye 13:26 < Star_Tube-(James)/D> Abstain 13:26 < Dr-Liam/D> Aye 13:26 < Ghost-Pirate-LeRoger/D> Aye 13:27 < alexjago/D> aye 13:27 < Tron92/D> Motion: That the standing orders be accepted 13:27 < Tron92/D> Moved: Miles Seconded: Tyrone D'Lisle 13:27 < Tron92/D> Motion passed in the majority. 13:28 < alexjago/D> stream delay: "I'll get a quicktimer set up" 13:28 < Satch/D> yeah, we love tearing that red tape after being buried. 13:28 <~alexjago> thesunnyk: you here? 13:29 < Miles/D> https://pirateparty.org.au/wiki/Federal_Election_2022/Preselection_Nominations 13:29 < Tron92/D> https://pirateparty.org.au/wiki/Federal_Election_2022/Preselection_Nominations 13:29 < Tron92/D> Miles invided Adam Woodings to speak to his nomination for the Senate in WA 13:32 < Tron92/D> Adam Woodings spoke to his nomination for the Senate. 13:32 < Tron92/D> Adam Woodings said he was running on a platform of Accountability and Good Governance 13:32 < Tron92/D> Adam has been considering putting forward his effort for a few years but has only recently had time to commit to a run. 13:32 < Tron92/D> Adam was previously a member of the Sex Party but when they became Reason party they pulled back their efforts to Victoria. 13:32 < Tron92/D> He saw the Pirate party on the ballot paper during an election in WA and realised the party aligned with his values. He therefore joined the party and began placing his efforts into a run for the Pirate party. 13:34 < Tron92/D> Miles asked Adam Woodings what his political experience was whilst a member of the Sex Party. 13:34 < Tron92/D> Adam noted that he was a member but not very committed as he didn't have the time to commit. His situation now is that he can commit to politics given that his children are older. 13:35 < Tron92/D> Miles and Adam note that many of the issues seen in Australian politics is due to politicians coming solely from among political insiders. 13:36 < alexjago/D> Question: "the second candidate on the Senate ticket often falls into a supporting role. what sort of logistics / volunteer management experience do you have?" 13:36 < Tron92/D> Miles asked, Given that you are a father, how has that shaped your political views. 13:36 < Tron92/D> Adam responded: It is very much about what am I leaving for my children's future. He wants to ensure that we are leaving future generations with a better society and environment 13:38 < Tron92/D> Question from Alex Jago: "the second candidate on the Senate ticket often falls into a supporting role. what sort of logistics / volunteer management experience do you have?" 13:38 < Tron92/D> Adam answered: That he has a little bit of experience working with and coordinating teams. Adam noted that his wife has experience with volunteer work and management. 13:38 < alexjago/D> Thanks Adam. 13:41 < Tron92/D> Miles asks: How are you going to approach this campaign and what will be your areas of focus? 13:41 < Tron92/D> Adam answered: Adam is going to work to get speaking engagements at universities and community radio stations. Wants to approach student guilds and demographics which are going to be more favourable to the Pirate/Fusion party. Doesn't believe that generalised mail drops will be effective or achievable. 13:41 < Tron92/D> Adam believes that WA is largely a mining focused society and it will be difficult swinging voters outside of those demographics which already identify with the values of the Pirate/Fusion party. 13:41 < Tron92/D> The WA bushfires are an issue for people in WA. Adam has strong feelings about the climate emergency. 13:42 < Tron92/D> Adam wants to push the policy of better funding for the ABC and SBS to give greater representation of regional communities as this is both important for our democracy but also as there are a number of regional and remote communities in WA 13:43 < Tron92/D> Adam is concerned by the militarisation and politicisation of the police service in Australia. 13:43 < Tron92/D> Concerned about defamation laws in Australia so that wealthy individuals can't threaten politicians and individuals. 13:44 < Tron92/D> Miles I have a question 13:44 < Tron92/D> my question is. 13:44 < Tron92/D> What are your views on lethal and non lethal aid being sent to Ukraine 13:49 < alexjago/D> To put that in text: two stage vote for party candidate endorsement: floor vote now and online approval ballot 13:49 < alexjago/D> NC chooses whether to geotarget 13:52 < Tron92/D> Precedence is that all Pirate Party members legally allowed to vote are entitled to vote on this preselection regardless of whether they are physically in Australia or not. 13:52 < Tron92/D> This precedence was unchallenged and therefore accepted. 13:52 < Tron92/D> Miles handed over the chair to Liam to run the preselection election. 13:52 < alexjago/D> 6 day voting period 13:53 < Miles/D> I second Adam's cabdidacy 13:53 < Miles/D> I second Adam's candidacy (edited) 13:53 < Tron92/D> Precedence is that all Pirate Party members legally allowed to vote under Australian law are entitled to vote on this preselection regardless of whether they are physically in Australia or not. 13:53 < Tron92/D> This precedence was unchallenged and therefore accepted. (edited) 13:53 < milspec/D> :ppwa: :ppwa: :ppwa: aye :ppwa: :ppwa: :ppwa: 13:53 < alexjago/D> presel meetings fall into a bit of a legislation and PPAU-constitution gap 13:54 < Tron92/D> Motion: To accept the nomination of Adam Woodlings as candidate for the senate in WA in the number 2 position 13:54 < Miles/D> I second the motion 13:54 < milspec/D> https://tenor.com/view/the-wolf-of-wall-street-clap-clapping-clapping-hands-leonardo-dicaprio-gif-22829304 13:54 < Tron92/D> aye 13:54 < milspec/D> AYE 13:54 < {Sam}/D> aye 13:54 < Miles/D> i vote aye 13:54 < alexjago/D> aye 13:54 < Ghost-Pirate-LeRoger/D> Aye 13:54 < mandrke/D> Aye 13:54 < Star_Tube-(James)/D> Aye 13:54 < Hahaloluwu/D> Aye 13:55 < Tron92/D> Motion passed by the majority on the floor 13:55 < Tron92/D> Election moves to a 6 day voting period of the full membership 13:56 < alexjago/D> yes, expect emails this evening, closing midnight Saturday WA time 13:56 < Tron92/D> Liam gives the chair back to Miles 13:56 < Tron92/D> Miles thanks Adam Woodlings for nominating to run for the Pirates/Fusion in WA. 13:56 < Tron92/D> Miles moves that the meetings closes 13:57 < Miles/D> MOTION: close the meeting 13:57 < Miles/D> begin voting 13:57 < Tron92/D> second 13:57 < Dr-Liam/D> Aye 13:57 < Tron92/D> aye 13:57 < alexjago/D> ye 13:57 < Miles/D> i vote aye 13:57 < Star_Tube-(James)/D> Aye 13:57 < alexjago/D> aye even 13:57 < Hahaloluwu/D> Aye 13:57 < {Sam}/D> aye 13:57 < Ghost-Pirate-LeRoger/D> Aye 13:58 < Gimmeadrink/D> Aye 13:58 < mandrke/D> aye 13:58 < milspec/D> Aye 13:58 < Tron92/D> Motion passed by majority on the floor 13:58 < milspec/D> Love you guys 13:58 < Tron92/D> meeting closed --- Log closed Sun Apr 03 14:00:09 2022