Federal Election 2022/Preselection Nominations

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Adding a Nomination

If you wish to nominate yourself for a position and are familiar with Wiki syntax, please create your nomination using the template below. If you need assistance adding your nomination, shoot an email to [email protected] and we'll help you out.


Catty McCat

Why do you feel that you are qualified for the position for which you have declared your candidacy?
I am a cat!
Why are you seeking the position for which you have declared your candidacy?
How dare you question my justification!
What experience/contribution have you made so far to the Pirate movement, and what will you do to advance or better the Party and movement?
I purr.
Do you agree with the Pirate Party platform and its ideals? What other political movements or parties have you been a part of?
Maybe, I am a cat.
Additional Documentation:
  • None


New South Wales



Western Australia


Adam Woodings

Why do you feel that you are qualified for the position for which you have declared your candidacy?
I am passionate and outspoken about the ills that have befallen our nation. A decade within the liquor industry has honed my soft skills, and while I have worked in the public service, I've not yet worked for the public directly. I am looking forward to spreading the word of the Pirate Party and of Fusion out West.
Why are you seeking the position for which you have declared your candidacy?
One of my main gripes about our nation is the foetid pool of corruption in which it lies. The best laws and policies imaginable are no good when mining and media moguls can buy and sell pollies to the detriment of us all. My goals are to see transparency introduced to the political donation laws, establishment of an independent and publically accountable federal anti corruption commission, and a formalised bill of rights to protect all citizens. Once we level the playing field in this manner, then we can begin true reform.
What experience/contribution have you made so far to the Pirate movement, and what will you do to advance or better the Party and movement?
I am a relatively new Pirate, only a member since 2019. I am seeking to help grow the Pirate and Fusion movements in the West, and the election campaign seems the best place to start. I will be seeking any and all speaking or debating engagements I can find, but I'm also seeking to begin mobilising the Universities populations. Long term, I hope to establish Pirate clubs within the various student guilds to introduce those coming through the higher education system to our ideas.

I have lurked long enough. Now it is time to act.

Do you agree with the Pirate Party platform and its ideals? What other political movements or parties have you been a part of?
Before joining the Pirate Party I was a member of the Australian Sex Party. Once they became Reason and reduced their efforts to Victoria I sought other parties that were active in the West, joining the Pirates after seeing (and voting for) Clive and Paul in the 2019 senate ballot. I agree with not just the policies of the Pirate Party, but also the ideals they aspire to and the spirit in which they are written. From copyright reform to digital privacy, a stop to fracking to a science based approach to drug reform, we can change the world for the better.
Additional Documentation:

Discord: Gimmeadrink#4811

South Australia


Australian Capital Territory

Northern Territory