Media Relations Committee Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes
This document is a record of a meeting. Do not edit this document without contacting the relevant group first.
Thursday, 17 April 2012
- Item 1 – PPNL BREIN case
- Item 2 – Weekly report
- Item 3 – Survey
- Item 4 – Congress 2012
- Item 5 – Content of Gazette
- Item 6 – Content of Webcast
- Possible PPNL press release for Monday:
- Express solidarity for PPNL;
- Attack on freedoms;
- Copyright censorship;
- Mention the upcoming trial (Tuesday 24th April, NL local time).
- Round up with reference to iiNet.
- PPNL's case will need a press release on Thursday. Mozart will be working with PPNL on the international statement, so PPAU will just release that.
- Gazette
- Proposed format:
- Using Wordpress.
- Pressed on the first of every month.
- Major contributions in by the twenty-third of the preceding month.
- Approval must be given by the Press Officer + Party Secretary.
- Article ideas for first edition –
- Need to finalise integration with PPAU Wordpress (IT Committee's responsibility).
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
- Item 1 – Useful distribution of quoted existing stockpile of stickers [Ivan].
- Item 2 – Internet Access project approval [Joakal].
- Item 3 – Penetrating the student newspaper market [Ivan].
- Item 4 – Opportunistic leg-ins to talkback radio [Ivan].
- Item 5 – Extensive marketing research [Joakal].
- Item 6 – Guerilla marketing [Ivan].
- Item 7 – Online survey [Joakal].
- Item 8 – PPAU members to speak to people in real life [Joakal].
- Item 9 – Interview people who are willing contributors [Joakal/Vidamus].
- Item 10 – Skills in demand [Mozart].
- Item 11 – Web banners and badges [Ivan].
- Item 12 – PPAU online shop [Joakal].
- Student newspapers:-
- Ivan to trawl and collect contact details.
- Mozart to ask for a printout of pressrelease@ mailing list.
- Mozart to contact Ian Woolf about TPPA/ACTA and patents.
- Market research:
- Determine awareness of PPAU;
- Determine misconceptions of PPAU;
- Determine why or why they don't like PPAU;
- Determine what they want; and
- Determine what would make them contribute to PPAU ideas.
- Online survey:
- Think of questions and discuss at next meeting.
- How to make people answer questions.
- Reliable and skilled people to look out for and shanghai into PPAU:
- Graphic designers
- Journalists/media
- ABC Unleashed is a good hunting ground
- Videographers
- Legal people
- Get Brendan to dig up logos.
Proposals Requiring National Council Approval
- Create a link on the main page where people can request a sticker pack:
- Allocation: 500 rectangular stickers.
- 50 packs, 10 stickers in each.
- If packs are moving too slowly, increase number of stickers per pack.
- Ivan will:
- Set up the form for the website.
- IT/S to implement site mod as necessary.
- Handle the form submissions (name and address).
- Handle the mailout.
- Set up the form for the website.
- Donate any amount to receive a sticker pack.
- Put a "contact us for alternative donation methods" notice.
- Encourage submission of outrageous sticker placement pictures.
- Allocation: 500 rectangular stickers.
- Request assistance for Joakal's Internet Access project:
- Press releases.
- Development of appropriate amendments.
- Law reform advice.