Minutes/Dispute Resolution Committee/2016-09-05

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Meeting Minutes
This document is a record of a meeting. Do not edit this document without contacting the relevant group first.


  • Application 2016-1 (Fletcher Boyd)
  • Involvement of Committee members

Start: 19:58 AEST End: 21:39 AEST


  • Hayden Dwyer
  • Mozart Olbrycht-Palmer

Application 2016-1 (Fletcher Boyd)

  • Draft determination agreed to, subject to further submissions.
  • Deadline for submissions is 11:59 pm Tuesday night.
  • If no more submissions are received, the draft determination will be published and communicating to the National Council on Wednesday.
  • If further submissions are received, another meeting of the Committee will be called.
  • The determination will be ready for the National Council meeting on Wednesday night if no submissions are received between now and then.

Involvement of Committee members

  • Nilay has not replied to any emails for a while, nor attended either of the meetings so far.
  • It's undesirable to have an uncontactable member of the Committee.
  • A majority is sufficient for quorum and for decision-making (2/3 members) but this should not be the norm.
  • It is a requirement that all Officers read and respond to emails at least once per day: Charter of Responsibilities art 3(1)(a).
  • Mozart will raise this issue at the National Council meeting on Wednesday night.