Minutes/General Meeting/2012-05-29

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Meeting Minutes
This document is a record of a meeting. Do not edit this document without contacting the relevant group first.


ACT Party

  • ACT Party has formed, need 50 members in the next month.
  • October elections
  • Topic to be revisted later in the meeting.

Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

  • Basically have DFAT on the run, though not giving way.

Wikileaks protests

Potential new positions

National Library of Australia archiving PPAU's site

  • No objections.

Local meetups at pubs

  • Good response to pub recruitment activities in ACT
  • Suggestion that this continue in other states
    • Difficulty in Sydney – pubs aren't the most conducive atmospher to recruiting
    • Likewise for Brisbane
  • How do we recruit in the apathetic states?
    • Groups of 2-3 people tend to work
    • Ask people to come over for a chat
    • "Watch what the Red Cross do, and do the opposite."
  • Leverage online communites:
    • Branch out away from tech forums and more into general communities.

Congress announcement

  • July 14-15, Ross House, Little Flinders Lane, Melbourne.
  • Remote conference facilities will be available to those who can't make it.
  • Video feed, IRC interaction at minimum

Draft Platform 2012 Revision