Minutes/General Meeting/2012-11-20

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Meeting Minutes
This document is a record of a meeting. Do not edit this document without contacting the relevant group first.

General IRC Meeting (#ppau)

Start: 20:01 20/11/12

Finish: 21:36 20/11/12


  • DFAT meeting
  • TPP
  • FOI Classification database
  • FOI Natsec
  • Metroscreen industry debate
  • Copyright review
  • Registration
  • Mandatory Breach Notification Submission
  • Document Verification Service reportback


DFAT Meeting

  • Attended by Frew, Brendan, DavidCampbell & Mozart
  • Polombi and Woolward were valuable


  • Answers from various questions on the TPP indicate that TPP is not likely to change current IP laws but it is likely to cement them into place and make them more difficult to be amended in the future.
  • Negotiating team appears to have had a roster change, should allow for greater transparancy as this team does not seem as stand off ish
  • Hamish called Brendan a liar, interesting few seconds of awkwardness
  • Claiming to leave room for Copyright reviews to take place before their text is finalized however we are doubtful.
  • Brendan will be negotiating for access to the Australian Draft Texts

FOI: Classification Database

  • Brendan has requiested the classification database and appears to have finally been successful, though the database has not been sent yet
  • FOI catalogue sugested, action item for Mozart

FOI: NatSec

  • Request for access to Draft Legislation from the AGD was knocked back, no surprise there
  • Appealed to the OAIC, This will take some time.

Metroscreen industry debate

  • Rodney had a great speach
  • We seemed the most sane attendee's

Copyright Review


  • Members are being called on the phone, which means we have gotten further than our previous attempt.
  • Roughly 50 telephone calls will be made of randomly selected members from our submitted forms.
  • We look forward to receiving objections from AFACT and the press we get from that.
  • Looking forward to boost in membership after registration
  • Could we please be quiet about it until we actually succeed so as to avoid Press Fail.

Mandatory Data Breach Notification Review

Document Verification Service reportback

  • A service for checking passports, drivers licences etc. - Could become "Australia Card" without the Card.
  • Frew Spoke to AGD, made recordings and will compile comprehensive notes.

Action Items

  • Motion: A list of FOI submissions to be created on the Pirate Party Australia Wiki