Minutes/General Meeting/2014-02-11
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Meeting Minutes
This document is a record of a meeting. Do not edit this document without contacting the relevant group first.
- Griffith by-election (Mel or Brendan)
- "Day we fight back" (Frew)
- "March in March" (Frew)
- Policy Development Report
- State & Territory reports
- ACT (Glen)
- NSW (Sunny)
- Qld (Mel)
- SA (Bryn)
- Tas (Tim)
- Vic (Ben)
- WA (Fletcher)
- Any other business
- Current membership numbers
- Newcastle updates
- Translation of promotional materials (Bryn)
Start: 20:44
Finish: 21:25
- Fletcher Boyd (WA)
- Mark Gibbons
- Simon Frew
- Daniel Judge
- Mozart Olbrycht-Palmer
- Bryn Busai (SA)
- David Campbell
- Sunny Kalsi (NSW)
- Sam Kearns
- Melanie Thomas (speaking at rally)
Griffith by-election
- result: 1.5%
- over 1k votes
- 1.5% compared to 0.7% in Senate election (qld)
- result = great assistance in people taking us more seriously
- PR was sent
- congrats and thanks to Mel and everyone who helped out, especially volunteers on the ground.
Day we fight back
- Today is the EFF organised Internet blackout against NSA surveillance
- we have blacked out our site
- Frew have an interview with ABC local radio in the morning
- its a good chance to raise concerns about NSA etc ASD in Australia
- the day has got some coverage, Scott Ludlam has been doing a lot (Guardian article and gave Brandis a good serve in the Senate today)
March in March
- This is a series of protests around the country against the Abbott Government.. it is meant to encompas all issues
- It's a good oportunity to raise surveillance and TPP, as well as show opposition to the government
- Concentrating on turnout in capitals depsite some regional protects such as Wollongong
- some banners, corflutes, t-shirts etc would be good to take along
- revisit again in lead up
Policy Development Report
- The Policy Development Committee has continued working on new policies for July and beyond.
- Not much new to report since the last meeting, as we haven't taken on anything new.
- There are a few things currently in the pipeline.
- The PDC also oversees working groups: https://pirateparty.org.au/wiki/Policy_Development_Committee#What_Is_Happening_Right_Now
- As you can see, we have several working groups and meetings going on.
- All members can get involved in those and contribute to policy development and inquiry submissions.
- There is a meeting tonight, after this meeting, in #ppau-pdc, for the privacy tort working group.
- And on Thursday night we will have a meeting for the Enhancing Online Safety for Children Inquiry Working Group.
- Please come along if you're interested.
- We're also working on another submission for the TIA Act review and would like a hand with that.
- We're not planning any other meetings as of yet, but if you want to help, shoot an email to either [email protected] or [email protected]
State & Territory reports
- still haven't organised a congress
- Aus Digital Alliance forum is on this Friday, Glenn (taco) will be attendcing as will Mozart & Brendan
- had the usual monthly meetup
- there is a public meeting about the TPP on March 10 at Newtown Neighbourhood centre
- details here: https://pirateparty.org.au/wiki/Sydney_Meetup_2014-01-25
- Sunday there was a meeting with Mozart and couple other members
- The #1 LDP Canditate for SA was there and was trying to do a new version of the minor parties alliance without Glenn Druery,
- Bryn was asked to establish a set of establishing rules and a better name for said group.
- The group's role is about sharing campaigns, sharing scruteneers, educating voters and some other ideas. Bryn's aim is to make a framework for extending the group nationally.
- We tried to find any local issues to be campaign on... and the pirates had no idea!
- The #1 LDP Canditate for SA was there and was trying to do a new version of the minor parties alliance without Glenn Druery,
- Fletcher spoke at a TPP community forum on Wednesday, was a good insight into the Perth activist community.
- some surprising issues/problems with this event such as "speaking fees" etc
- Video: http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=e03222d7a3b106f3f9c57fa07&id=f4e6ff7c29&e=d555ba7413
- We also looked at attending the Cruelty Free Festival but I haven't heard back from the stall coordinator yet.
What are our current membership numbers
- just over 1000, little changed from last week
- renewal fees due soon when new webform comes online
- new members trickling in far outweighs the odd resignation here and there
Newcastle updates
- Some newcastle peeps want to put together a regular update, hopefully daily, start with a WG to assess if we can do it, Wendy Gator is a good candidate to spearhead it
- basically get newcastle into gear and being all serious and grown up
- also please to ensure any meetings organised (BY ANYONE FOR ANYWHERE), that IT is emailed to it can be added to the calendar.
Translation of promotional materials
- Possibility of broadening our exposure if we translated materials into other languages.
- also plays to our profile as an international movement
- an idea we should pursue at some stage between now and the next federal election.
- there should be some people in the party who can speak other languages
- also able to garner some help from international counterparts