Minutes/International Relations Team/2014-09-11

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Meeting Minutes
This document is a record of a meeting. Do not edit this document without contacting the relevant group first.


  • Communicating Congress Motion with PPI (Frew)
  • 5 Eye Patches (Frew)
  • Pirate Parties Asia-Pacific (Frew)
  • Communicating with Pirate Parties around the world (Frew/ Brendan)


  • Frew
  • Mozart
  • PeterF (CAPT-Irrelevant)
  • Brendan (late)


Communicating Congress Motion with PPI

Five Eye-Patches Meeting

  • Meeting held on Sunday Aug 31
  • PPAU has standing offer to help PPUS and PPNZ with mail servers, this is under way
  • Miles had sound troubles with Mumble, other than that it went smoothly.

Pirate Parties Asia-Pacific

  • Plan to make contact with Parties in the region, offer help and logistical support as required
  • Peter Fulton to search out contact points for the various Parties
  • Informal at the stage, the aim is to have communications set up, not create a formal organisation

Communicating with Pirate Parties around the world

  • Need to go through PPI statutes to improve the language, grammar etc.
  • Need a proposal for how an online GA would work along with formal withdrawal mail
  • Andrew Norton put forward a comprehensive plan that was ignored by PPI


  • PPI ignored Brendan's request for contact points for all of the constituent Parties in PPI
  • We will try to get all of the contact details. Peter Fulton already working on Asia Pacific contact list, can source the others from Pirate Times