Minutes/National Council/2023-03-16

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Meeting Minutes
This document is a record of a meeting. Do not edit this document without contacting the relevant group first.

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Some statements may be incorrect, unverified or otherwise objectionable to party policy or intention, and until such time as it is endorsed by the party, it does not represent the views or intentions of the party.
Please read the discussion on the talk page before making substantial changes to this document.

National Council Meeting 2023-03-16

Not quorate, but discussion from 21:46 AEDT



  • Alex
  • Miles
  • John
  • Roger (from 20:58)




  • Tyrone

Correspondence, reports, and action items completed

  • PRs are getting stale...

Festival of Foolishness

  • We no longer have an 'official' stall, but we still have a stall

Intl rel

  • Milspec has been reaching out to people
  • "We should call it the 'Trans Pacific Pirates'" - Alex


  • GryS taking a look now too
    • Collectively we'll get there

Discussion items

General Business

Actions going forward

  • Review the Vic Health PR and see if Owen might like it (in revised form)
