National Meeting Log 20100323

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Meeting Log
This page contains a transcript or log of a meeting that occurred on 23rd March 2010. It should be used for reference only and does not need to be edited.

(7:47:29 PM) dcrafti [[email protected]] entered the room.
(7:47:29 PM) #ppau: mode (+o dcrafti) by ChanServ
(7:48:32 PM) stefan: hey dcrafti 
(7:48:34 PM) stefan: forgot it was tuesday already
(7:48:44 PM) dcrafti: Hi
(7:49:02 PM) dcrafti: Internet Censorship is going to be on 7pm project tomorrow and Conroy will be on it
(7:49:16 PM) dcrafti: I've been posting on their site to try to get a response, but nothing so far.
(7:49:31 PM) dcrafti: Anyone know any contacts at channel 10/roving enterprises?
(7:49:58 PM) stefan: nope, let's hope they get the EFA back though
(7:50:46 PM) Brendan [[email protected]] entered the room.
(7:50:46 PM) #ppau: mode (+oa Brendan Brendan) by ChanServ
(7:50:57 PM) Brendan__ left the room (quit: Connection reset by peer).
(7:51:59 PM) PurpleFae [[email protected]] entered the room.
(7:54:50 PM) SiOD [[email protected]] entered the room.
(7:58:15 PM) Avatar [[email protected]] entered the room.
(7:59:30 PM) Toast [[email protected]] entered the room.
(8:01:00 PM) Jack left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(8:02:15 PM) dcrafti: We'll see if I manage to get through to them. A moderator has said he'd pass on the message
(8:03:40 PM) frew: Filter stuff is going OK, there seems to be opposition growwing within the ALP
(8:06:01 PM) Avatar: Excellent.
(8:07:12 PM) dcrafti: It's still only Kate Lundy who has been vocal, and her opposition hasn't been aimed at killing the policy, so much as watering it down
(8:10:34 PM) frew: whats happening with the campaign? There were 2 meetings in Sydney on the weekend, dont know how the second went. But the one for April fools day was small
(8:11:06 PM) dcrafti: Can you tell us about the April fools day meeting?
(8:11:45 PM) stefan: april fools in adelaide looks fail, I've been busy and am now sick, so looks like nobody is doing it
(8:12:57 PM) frew: 4 ppl showwed up, but got a bunch of apologies from people still wanting to help
(8:13:23 PM) dcrafti: Help by showing up on the day?
(8:13:38 PM) dcrafti: Any concrete decisions on format?
(8:13:51 PM) frew: gotta get the flyers together and gags, they are from groups, so trying to get their members along
(8:15:29 PM) frew: we'll meet up at the start, depending on numbers, we'll decide on what size area to do, then head out handing out flyers walking around being censored. Meet up at the end, and do a where to next kinda speech for the campaign.
(8:18:03 PM) PurpleFae left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(8:18:47 PM) PurpleFae [[email protected]] entered the room.
(8:19:17 PM) MidnightCommando left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(8:19:57 PM) frew: <-- Come along :)
(8:20:29 PM) dcrafti: If I was in Sydney, I would be there for sure
(8:21:51 PM) PurpleFae left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(8:22:31 PM) PurpleFae [[email protected]] entered the room.
(8:22:32 PM) dcrafti: Well, as a basic update, not much has changed since last week. Still waiting on some IT stuff for the store to progress.
(8:22:50 PM) Faradn: what sort of IT stuff ?
(8:23:21 PM) dcrafti: The store to be set up in a way that I can start adding content, and also a list of members who are eligible for swag coupons
(8:24:07 PM) dcrafti: Also, 2SER has asked to do an interview, and they would prefer it was done in their studio in Sydney, so is anyone interested in doing a radio interview? If not, I will try to do it remotely.
(8:24:09 PM) stefan: is the latter really an IT issue, or waiting for Rod?
(8:24:28 PM) dcrafti: Yeah, the latter issue isn't really IT. I just thought of it later
(8:24:50 PM) stefan: is 2SER related to UTS at all? their website kind of suggests it is
(8:25:10 PM) frew: Ah its much bigger than that
(8:25:33 PM) frew: biggest community radio station in Sydney
(8:25:40 PM) PurpleFae left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(8:25:52 PM) stefan: ah, just coincidently running lots of UTS events and the station manager is
(8:26:13 PM) frew: ah, might be based there, but its audience and DJs are broader
(8:26:26 PM) PurpleFae [[email protected]] entered the room.
(8:27:05 PM) frew: when do they want to do it
(8:27:08 PM) frew: ?
(8:27:42 PM) frew: I got the 'flu so wouldnt want to do it in the next few days, want my head back
(8:28:42 PM) stefan: yeah, well radio adelaide here is student radio, but I suspect more people in the general community listen to it than at uni
(8:29:20 PM) stefan: but being community much better to ahve someone in sydney pref at at uni do it I would think
(8:30:11 PM) frew: that would leave brendan and Hayden... Brendan wouldnt do it...
(8:30:22 PM) WinterMuteAu: frew: hit the cold and flu tablets
(8:30:38 PM) frew: well probably others too, but I dont know who they are ;)
(8:31:51 PM) dcrafti: I'll find out about details. So, frew, would you be interested?
(8:32:27 PM) frew: yeah, I can do it.
(8:32:52 PM) Brendan left the room (quit: Connection reset by peer).
(8:33:50 PM) PurpleFae left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(8:33:51 PM) Brendan [[email protected]] entered the room.
(8:35:29 PM) dcrafti: OK, I've asked when he wants to do it, and what the scope of the interview would be.
(8:35:35 PM) dcrafti: I'll get back to you frew
(8:36:21 PM) frew: [no worries
(8:40:06 PM) frew: got a bit of a test yesterday, did a lecture @ wollongong TAFE on copyright and the pirate party
(8:41:02 PM) Avatar: Ah yes, how did that go?
(8:42:19 PM) dcrafti: Nice
(8:42:24 PM) frew: ok I think... was 'fluey so I wasnt as on the ball as I would have liked... survived though
(8:42:49 PM) dcrafti: Did you get any interest from people about membership? Also, who invited you to talk?
(8:44:13 PM) frew: one of the teachers, he is a member I think... there was one member in the class already, and they are getting time to look at the site next week
(8:45:20 PM) dcrafti: Holy crap! That is awesome, but seems so totally unethical to use class time to research a political party in a non-comparative way.
(8:46:08 PM) dcrafti: But still awesome.
(8:46:10 PM) dcrafti: :)
(8:46:25 PM) frew: they had MIPI in llast week
(8:46:40 PM) frew: I was brought in to provide balance ;)
(8:46:57 PM) dcrafti: Ahhh. Even better. No ethical issues to deal with
(8:47:05 PM) dcrafti: I hope they gave MIPI hell
(8:47:46 PM) frew: they did indeed
(8:48:06 PM) dcrafti: You should really promote that kind of action more overtly. That kind of engagement is great.
(8:49:29 PM) frew: was good too, they had some angles I hadnt considered before... just about from a musicians angle, how to survive in the digital world... not really pirate party core issues but good to be up on
(8:50:41 PM) dcrafti: Could all you guys go to and ask them why they haven't invited Pirate Party to be part of the discussion on internet censorship?
(8:50:54 PM) dcrafti: Play up that we are central to the debate.
(8:51:52 PM) dcrafti: Even the lurkers, please
(8:53:00 PM) frew: ahh, subtle manipullation of the mass media wont work through a mass trolling of their site... something like that needs to be planned...
(8:53:20 PM) dcrafti: They only announced tonight that they are doing the story
(8:53:28 PM) Toby: it's not really trolling
(8:53:37 PM) stefan: and not disclose information that only PPAU admin can know
(8:53:38 PM) dcrafti: And apparently the hosts actually read the forums and stuff
(8:53:55 PM) stefan: our forums? o_O
(8:54:12 PM) stefan: if people actually pay attention to them perhaps people should actually start using them
(8:55:01 PM) dcrafti: No, the 7pmproject forums
(8:55:08 PM) Toby: they want an awful lot of my details in order to register
(8:55:31 PM) frew: yeah, but you have to work the angles, bunch of first timers all posting ther same thing, they'd just suspect the same person, or a small group of people... they'd be used to tactics from the ALP etc
(8:55:31 PM) dcrafti: They can probably have those details anyway, if they really want them.
(8:55:48 PM) stefan: ah that makes more sene
(8:55:50 PM) dcrafti: I agree, but it's better than nothing
(8:56:12 PM) dcrafti: Mention stuff like long time watcher, first time poster, because you've never felt so strongly about an issue
(8:56:17 PM) dcrafti: You know, honesty
(8:57:44 PM) dcrafti: So, post on the forums if you are willing to sign up, but also post on the yoursay page.
(8:59:28 PM) frew: well its not an issue that will go away, if you want to manipulate forums there are plenty of groups that make a sport of it... just apply the tactics here, but aim so it will happen by the next time they come around to speak on the issue.
(9:00:12 PM) frew: You'd do it by quoting the pirate party alot rather than asking overtly... make them think they need the pirate party on their show
(9:06:45 PM) dcrafti: Well, there's no time like the present, so go at it like that frew
(9:06:53 PM) dcrafti: As a start to your process, I mean
(9:09:26 PM) frew: that would require watching the 7pm report... :S Got myself planted around the place though ;)
(9:12:23 PM) dcrafti: 7pm project... As opposed to the 7:30 report
(9:12:35 PM) dcrafti: 7pm project is a comedic spin on news
(9:13:43 PM) frew: Im more likely to watch 7:30 report... But I prefer John Stewart and Colbert
(9:16:08 PM) dcrafti: No argument, but which is more LCD?
(9:19:02 PM) frew: I refuse to have my TV habits dictated by the lowest common denominator, part of the reason Im here ;)
(9:20:49 PM) dcrafti: Sure, but we are talking about influencing people ang getting our message out. To that purpose, we should try to get on shows like 7pm project.
(9:21:16 PM) Toast: Evening fellas
(9:21:29 PM) frew: sure, work for those that watch the show
(9:21:33 PM) Toast is now known as Jack
(9:22:01 PM) Jack: and that's the right one ;)
(9:22:08 PM) Hayden: hey ToastPaint
(9:22:43 PM) dcrafti: Howdy Jack
(9:23:48 PM) dcrafti: Anyway, I created this thread, so please add some comments if you can:
(9:23:55 PM) Jack: dcrafti, i got one guy out of the ICannt romp :P
(9:25:06 PM) Hayden: forums aren't usually so receptive to blatant advertising dcrafti 
(9:25:34 PM) dcrafti: I already started one on the contact the moderators section and the mod was generally supportive
(9:25:55 PM) Jack: If you've done that, then it should be fine.
(9:26:09 PM) Jack: And it's the best way to whip up support - get the public around you
(9:26:27 PM) dcrafti: Nice one Jack. The mod on the icannt forum was weirding me out. He was trying to start an argument without being overt about it. It was like he was trying to draw me into fighting.
(9:26:35 PM) Jack: :)
(9:26:46 PM) Jack: Yeah, there are alot of ultra-right-wing types on there
(9:26:50 PM) dcrafti: And he was trying to imply that there was no way that the community would be at all interested
(9:27:54 PM) Jack: dcrafti, hows the swag going?
(9:28:35 PM) dcrafti: Stalled while waiting for the site to go up, and for the coupons to be determined
(9:28:42 PM) dcrafti: Disappointing for me...
(9:28:55 PM) Jack: so, the physical side is done?
(9:29:07 PM) Jack: or theres been no movement on manufacturing?
(9:29:09 PM) Avatar: I was just thinking yesterday "Hmm, I need a new hat". Then I was disapointed I couldn't get a Pirate Party hat. ;(
(9:29:33 PM) Jack: yeah
(9:29:44 PM) Jack: i think we need to start some sort on in-house distribution
(9:29:47 PM) Jack: *of
(9:30:13 PM) Avatar: I had to settle for a 'Tasmania' souveneir baseball cap. :p
(9:30:20 PM) Jack: haha
(9:30:21 PM) Hayden: Piraten Partei might sell a PP hat
(9:30:24 PM) Jack: i have a DefenceJobs one
(9:30:30 PM) Jack: oh joy.
(9:30:57 PM) frew: I have a black hat with a red jollyroger badge :)
(9:30:58 PM) Hayden: free ToastPaint?
(9:31:42 PM) Jack: No, not at all.
(9:32:11 PM) Jack: But i think if we got swag out to people who've been here a while, it starts a whole 'exclusivity thing' - and then when we open up the store, it'll be big.
(9:32:26 PM) dcrafti: Jack, manufacturing will follow after taking orders. Manufacturing takes about 3 weeks
(9:33:22 PM) dcrafti: Yeah, I will definitely consider putting in a small order to start then, because it is dragging out way too long.
(9:34:24 PM) stefan: a 4 week lead time isn't nice regardless
(9:35:39 PM) Jack: yeah.
(9:35:40 PM) dcrafti: But I would still need details of who is owed swag.
(9:35:49 PM) Jack: well, maybe we should consider creating a 'stockpile'
(9:35:51 PM) dcrafti: I have no idea about numbers currently, and no access to the membership lists
(9:35:55 PM) dcrafti: I feel hamstrung
(9:36:08 PM) stefan: access to the membership lists would not help you anyway, as that detail was not stored originally
(9:36:12 PM) Jack: not huge, but maybe so that it can start fast
(9:36:21 PM) stefan: because we're still working out how to set up a proper CRM without serious privacy concerns
(9:37:12 PM) dcrafti: Even a small run of a few types of articles will cost at least a couple of thousand, and I don't want to spend the party's money irresponsibly. I will look at the small run though, because I agree that it is time to just get something done, even if it is not perfect.
(9:37:43 PM) Jack: They'll certainly sell at one point or another.
(9:37:49 PM) Jack: I think it needs to be seriously considered.
(9:38:06 PM) stefan: but we also need to make enough to make the setup/printing costs affordable
(9:38:11 PM) MidnightCommando [[email protected]] entered the room.
(9:38:20 PM) stefan: assuming they're priced at a reasonable rate so enough people will buy them
(9:38:34 PM) dcrafti: Stefan, I could be doing heaps of the administrative stuff if I had access to the list though...
(9:38:56 PM) Hayden: which list?
(9:39:00 PM) stefan: and which administrative stuff?
(9:42:11 PM) dcrafti: The membership list
(9:42:26 PM) dcrafti: Figure out who is owed swag. Contact them to find out t-shirt sizes
(9:42:46 PM) dcrafti: Take manual orders before the store goes up
(9:43:23 PM) stefan: the store should only take at most an hour to set up, what's Campbell's reason for the delay?
(9:43:50 PM) MidnightCommando left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(9:44:02 PM) dcrafti: Not sure
(9:44:50 PM) dcrafti: He said 3 days ago that he would let me know when it was ready
(9:47:22 PM) Jack: dcrafti, that thread is up to 9 pages :P
(9:51:28 PM) dcrafti: What's the response like?
(9:51:30 PM) Avatar: Could probably sell them at any upcoming meetings or protest gatherings also. Protests seem like a good place to get non-members to pick up some merchandise.
(9:51:53 PM) dcrafti: Avatar, agreed as long as permits are worked out
(9:52:57 PM) Avatar: Hmm, indeed.
(9:53:39 PM) frew: uni markets
(9:54:35 PM) dcrafti: frew, that would be good as long as overheads aren't too high. I reckon they would be at Monash
(9:55:15 PM) dcrafti: Who is at uni and thinks their uni might be appropriate for having a stall at a market?
(9:55:49 PM) stefan: market? not sure ours has them
(9:56:49 PM) Hayden: yeah, never seen a market at UTS
(9:56:55 PM) Hayden: well, a food market sure
(9:57:04 PM) frew: ah, possibly sneak them onto political stalls then?
(9:59:07 PM) Avatar: If you can't sell political merchandise, sell cups of water for $20 with free PP hat. :p
(10:03:28 PM) noisymime [[email protected]] entered the room.
(10:04:15 PM) dcrafti: Haha... Avatar, you're a Comp. Sci. student or graduate, huh?
(10:05:01 PM) Avatar: No, never got to uni. Too much work and stess involved. :p
(10:05:14 PM) dcrafti: Well, you think like one :)
(10:05:38 PM) Jack: how much does an artist make out of an album?
(10:06:45 PM) Avatar: I used to think that computer science was going to be my career path. Not so much now, more of a hobby for me.
(10:06:54 PM) frew: $1 from a $30 sale
(10:07:09 PM) frew: minus recording and promotion costs bourne by the label
(10:07:14 PM) dcrafti: Frew, that's assuming they have paid off their debts to the record label
(10:07:20 PM) dcrafti: D'oh, you got in first
(10:07:28 PM) Avatar: I was thinking of going to uni for something else though, perhaps try a teaching course.
(10:07:46 PM) stefan: Avatar: teaching what though?
(10:08:01 PM) dcrafti: I think the only teaching course is a full bachelor degree unless you already have a degree in something else, in which case you can get a dip ed
(10:08:26 PM) stefan: yeah, I only know people with the dip ed
(10:08:58 PM) stefan: the bachelor is probably for primary school, with dip ed for high school?
(10:10:26 PM) Hayden: pretty sure, in NSW at least, a dip. ed is only good for teaching if you received it prior to... some date
(10:10:39 PM) Avatar: Batchelor of Education Primary, yeah
(10:11:51 PM) furinkan left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(10:12:00 PM) stefan left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(10:12:05 PM) Avatar: Bachelor, rather.
(10:12:19 PM) Channel6 left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(10:13:09 PM) Channel6 [[email protected]] entered the room.
(10:13:41 PM) stefan [[email protected]] entered the room.
(10:13:41 PM) furinkan [[email protected]] entered the room.
(10:13:50 PM) stefan: dodgy irc network :\
(10:14:53 PM) Avatar: Indeed.
(10:15:02 PM) stefan: 21:40 [pirate] -!- ERROR Closing Link: stefan[*] (Ping timeout)
(10:15:05 PM) stefan: nobody should ever see that :\
(10:15:19 PM) Avatar: lol
(10:15:42 PM) stefan: especially when ircing via syd.equinix
(10:16:02 PM) Avatar: Happens a lot if you're on a proxy.
(10:16:18 PM) stefan: no, I'm running irssi on the syd.equinix vps, and ssh to that
(10:16:32 PM) stefan: bncs are pointless
(10:18:14 PM) Avatar: Ah, I see.
(10:18:17 PM) NovaKing: well
(10:18:19 PM) NovaKing: within reason
(10:18:25 PM) NovaKing: bnc's can be handy for some people ;)
(10:31:41 PM) dcrafti: So people, if you are here, you are probably one of our most active members
(10:32:12 PM) Toby: I only just found out these meetings happened this evening
(10:32:19 PM) dcrafti: Can you all make a really concerted effort to sign up at least a couple of friends and/or family? We only need around 50 more members to be able to register, which is so few if we spread the load.
(10:32:29 PM) dcrafti: Nice to have you along then, Toby
(10:33:02 PM) stefan: yeah, these don't get advertised as much as they used to
(10:33:03 PM) Hayden: my friends are really lazy/non-citizens
(10:33:34 PM) dcrafti: Hayden, could you print out the forms, and get them to fill them in while you are there, then mail them in? They might not know about the lack of a members fee
(10:34:05 PM) Hayden: they know, one even filled out the form but was too lazy to mail it in
(10:34:07 PM) dcrafti: My emails out to 1500 people brought in less memberships than when I had the forms in front of me and spoke to people, even strangers
(10:34:44 PM) stefan: in person is the best way to go, though preferably people you kind of know at least
(10:35:04 PM) dcrafti: The strangers were at o-week and the March 6th rally
(10:35:04 PM) stefan: unfortunately me being sick this week means it'll be a few more days before I get those mates who promised to signup at uni
(10:35:11 PM) dcrafti: I got 25 just on those days
(10:35:29 PM) dcrafti: And 6 or so friends/family
(10:35:44 PM) stefan: yeah, I guess that's the advantage from the STF free for all
(10:36:27 PM) Avatar: I've gotten one of my friends to sign up. A tleast, he said that he would.
(10:36:44 PM) Toby: I have one friend who's interested, but that's probably the best I can do
(10:37:04 PM) Avatar: My other friends probably wouldn't be very interested.
(10:37:08 PM) stefan: every bit helps, especially when a lot of people do it :)
(10:37:10 PM) WinterMuteAu left the room (quit: Quit: What, where ? when ? damnit... *flees*).
(10:38:12 PM) dcrafti: What about family? Express to them how much this means to you to see the party succeed. Let them know that without this party, laws could be passed that would maintain that you are criminals.
(10:38:29 PM) Toby: my family are all greens
(10:38:29 PM) Hayden: my family would laugh
(10:38:37 PM) dcrafti: Tell them about the things that they do that the government thinks are illegal
(10:38:48 PM) dcrafti: Toby, are they members or voters?
(10:39:03 PM) Toby: members
(10:39:22 PM) dcrafti: OK, then how about your friends' families? :D
(10:39:47 PM) dcrafti: To be a grassroots organisation, we really need to all be out there recruiting.
(10:42:53 PM) Avatar: I shall endeavour to convince more family members.
(10:43:14 PM) Avatar: I must be off the evening though. Fare well.
(10:43:22 PM) dcrafti: ok, good night
(10:43:29 PM) Avatar left the room (quit: Quit: Walking the plank!).
(10:45:47 PM) Anti-Gremlin: i signed up a few peopel
(10:45:50 PM) Anti-Gremlin: people*
(10:46:05 PM) Anti-Gremlin: and i know a few more be coming in soon
(10:46:09 PM) dcrafti: Cool.
(10:46:19 PM) dcrafti: That's really good. Keep up the good work
(10:54:52 PM) Blank left the room (quit: Quit: night).
(10:58:17 PM) CeilingCat [[email protected]] entered the room.
(10:58:17 PM) #ppau: mode (+b *!Lynx@*.736EDE24.CA143A91.IP) by ChanServ
(10:58:17 PM) CeilingCat left the room (Kicked by ChanServ (You are not permitted to be on this channel.)).
(11:01:03 PM) Brendan_ [[email protected]] entered the room.
(11:01:30 PM) Brendan left the room (quit: Connection reset by peer).
(11:07:56 PM) Jack left the room.
(11:19:51 PM) Jack [[email protected]] entered the room.
(11:23:51 PM) dcrafti: See you all later. I'm off for th night
(11:24:01 PM) Faradn: night dude
(11:39:59 PM) CeilingCat [[email protected]] entered the room.
(11:39:59 PM) #ppau: mode (+b *!Lynx@*.FFF03CB1.CA143A91.IP) by ChanServ
(11:39:59 PM) CeilingCat left the room (Kicked by ChanServ (You are not permitted to be on this channel.)).
(11:50:10 PM) stefan: thetransientmoment: when you post those forms through, could you please attach a note in there saying they were already emailed? just saves us entering them all again - ta :)
(11:50:58 PM) thetransientmoment: Dammit, now I have to open the sealed envelope.
(11:51:02 PM) ***thetransientmoment gets the iron.
(11:51:24 PM) thetransientmoment: Sealed, tamper-proof envelope...
(11:51:32 PM) thetransientmoment: Fuck it.
(11:51:44 PM) ***thetransientmoment writes "already emailed" on the outside of the envelope.
(11:51:49 PM) Brendan_: yeah
(11:51:49 PM) Brendan_: haha
(11:51:56 PM) stefan: hah, that'll do
(11:52:21 PM) stefan: I guess I should post rod the ~60 apps I have sitting here
(11:52:40 PM) thetransientmoment: I think I can slip a folded sticky note in one side without ruining the anti-tamper
(11:53:16 PM) thetransientmoment: Stefan: Could you fast track a welcome email on those as well?  I sat on those forms longer than I should have.
(11:53:58 PM) stefan: they won't be sent out until rod gets back from overseas now, but a month or three delay has been fairly normal anyway :\
(11:55:06 PM) thetransientmoment: :(
(11:55:13 PM) thetransientmoment: Can't someone else enter forms?
(11:55:48 PM) stefan: not right now, it's quite messy, but with the interests of ensuring member privacy
(11:56:18 PM) thetransientmoment: An election could be called at any moment and based on public debates happening, must be imminent.
(11:56:20 PM) stefan: forms will still be logged, but not processed until he returns
(11:57:00 PM) stefan: yeah, we've still got >50 members to go, or ~150 to be safe
(11:57:24 PM) thetransientmoment: Someone should get on top of that and make sure that more than one person can enter forms etc.
(11:59:14 PM) noisymime left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(12:01:12 AM) dcrafti: Make sure that before sending any physical forms in, you email or fax them first, just in case the whole thing gets lost in transit. Insurance won't help us get the forms back
(12:04:08 AM) thetransientmoment: 23:50
(12:04:08 AM) thetransientmoment: (23:50:09) stefan: thetransientmoment: when you post those forms through, could you please attach a note in there saying they were already emailed? just saves us entering them all again - ta :)
(12:04:57 AM) dcrafti: I was directing that at stefan. He said he's got about 60 application forms
(12:05:19 AM) stefan: yes, which I've been emailing as I got them, or I wouldn't have sat on them for so long
(12:05:48 AM) stefan: but would be good for him to get the originals all the same
(12:08:46 AM) Channel6 left the room (quit: Input/output error).