Officer Reports/2014-05-22

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  • Q1: "What did your Committee or Working Group do since the last scheduled National Council meeting?"
  • Q2: "Did anything impede your group's ability to do anything since the last scheduled National Council meeting?"
  • Q3: "What can the National Council do to assist your group?"
  • Q4: "Any other comments?"


Officer/Group Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
ACT - Coordinator (Glen Takkenberg) Nothing Nothing Nothing None
NSW - Coordinator (Sunny Kalsi) Nothing really. I created a Reddit account and have been posting pirate-related stuff to it (mostly advertising the senate petition). No. All good No progress on NSW the branchening.
QLD - Coordinator (Michael Keating) Have communicated with committee members requirements and initial readings to start. (re branch formation working group) Nothing Nothing further at this point, general assistance and approval for items when the time occurs. -
SA - Coordinator (Bryn Busai) A meeting was held at the Worldsend on 2014-05-14, and nobody else turned up except a representative of EFA looking to see who Turned up! The lack of members and a sense of fury on the failings of either government (or maybe those interested were heavily boozing themselves over the federal budget). Start a SA PR / Recruitment campaign sometime in the next 2 years… ?
TAS - Coordinator (Tim Serong) This is going to look suspiciously like my update in the IRC general

meeting last night :)

  • One more in person meeting, but with only me and one other, plus two apologies (one via twitter, one via SMS or IRC, I forget). Minutes at (which I haven't gotten around to wikifying yet)
  • rundll got down to march in may on sunday, and said: "turn out of about 500 people in hobart, met one other pp member there and handed out a ton of flyers"
  • I had discussion with hanrahan about trying to get some PPAU-branded talks going on matters of interesting government policy, provided we can find speakers, but I'm not going to try to kick that off until at least July some time.
Nope (well, according to the last NC meeting minutes, Brendan and I still need to liaise about a mailout to Tas members, but I wouldn't call that an impediment). At some point I'd like to get some physical promo material (stickers, flyers, etc.) Not a huge rush right now though. Not right now.
WA - Coordinator (Fletcher Boyd) Organised an interview with WTV Perth. No. Budget consideration for meetups obviously. -
IEC - Officer (Jack Coulter) Nothing to my knowledge. I've been intending to start a discussion of RFC7258 but have not yet had a chance to, due to the constraints detailed in the next point. As detailed in the last update, I'm currently extremely busy with moving and studies, along with full-time work. My studies for this semester have now mostly concluded, and I'll have completed my move in the next few weeks, after which I'll have much more time to devote to PPAU tasks in general. Nothing that I can think of. Once I have a bit more spare time and can get more heavily involved, areas where assistance is warranted may come to light. None at this time.
PDC - Officer (Mozart Olbrycht-Palmer) A submission or two, a committee meeting, a working group meeting or two, and formed the Domestic Violence Working Group to specifically target that issue. Worked out approximately which policies we will be proposing at Congress. Mostly my lack of organisation and being busy with uni. Things should get better in the month before Congress. Nil. Nil.
Press Team - Officer (Mozart Olbrycht-Palmer) A handful of press releases regarding the anti-piracy proposals and one on the budget. Not particularly. Mostly me being busy with other things. More input (writing press releases, responding to enquiries, etc) from all members of the NC when dealing with press matters. Nein.
PWG - Officer (Brendan Molloy) Working towards completion of the various software development projects the party needs. Properly refactored our voting system in preparation for Congress. Appointed Sam Kearns as tech lead of the Polly project as Andrew is too busy. Due to not paying attention to my credit card bill, didn't notice I'd been haemorrhaging $20 a month on Polly servers. Part of those servers have been turned off. We need the ITWG budget to be approved so we can start getting servers going without burdening individual members. -