PDC: Data privacy working group

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Draft Policy
This is a draft policy which may still be under development and is not approved or endorsed by the party.
Until such time as it is endorsed by the party, it does not represent the views or intentions of the party.

This Working Group (WG) was established by the Policy Development Committee (PDC) on 20 February 2013.

Focus & Themes

This working group has been tasked with developing policy relating to digital liberties. This will include the development of policies dealing with data retention, net neutrality, and internet censorship. The working group is chaired by Ben McGinnes and will develop a draft proposal including detailed policy and polly tables to be presented at the March 13 PDC meeting.

Meeting Schedule

Meetings are transparent, open and accessible to all members. Please contact the PDC with any ideas should you not be able to attend, or if you are attending, please add them to the agenda linked below.

  • TBC on #ppau-pdc
  • Agenda: TBC

Current Deadlines

As per the motion passed by the PDC, the deadline for presentation to the Committee is 13 March 2013. This should include a Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) table and a recommendation to the Committee based on the research of the WG and should relay any member input given to the WG by the members of the Party.

Previous Minutes

  • Add here.

(MAUT table under construction)