Pirate Congress 2023/Constitutional Amendments
Official Party Document
The veracity of this document is ensured by the National Council and editing of this page is limited to members of the National Council.
Constitutional Amendment Proposals must be submitted to [email protected] before 9:00am AEST on Saturday 24th June 2023.
Proposals to change the Constitution are Special Resolutions under the NSW Associations Incorporation Act 2009.
CAP-1: National Council Quorum Reduction
Put by: Alex Jago
In article 3.1.1, omit "five (5)" and substitute "three (3)"'.
With the Party no longer a completely independent organisation the National Council does not need to operate on as large a scale. Further, the N.C. has had persistent casual vacancies over the last few years. This proposal does not reduce the maximum size of the N.C. but does permit it to operate with fewer members.
- Carried on the floor of Congress 2023
- Ratified by online member vote: 48 Aye, 3 Nay, 1 Abstain
CAP-2: Membership criteria change - other parties
Put by: Simon Gnieslaw
Replace article 4.1(1)(c) with "Is not currently a member of any other registered or unregistered political party in Australia which goes against the Principles and Objects of the Party, and with the exception of Fusion, does not use your membership for AEC registration purposes.".
- Other Registered Political Party - Technically Fusion is another Registered Political Party and is possible to also sign with Fusion directly, so this could technically be a breach?
- Other Unregistered Political Party - Technically Fusion could become unregistered
- Unrelated Unregistered Political Parties - There are other organisations out there (eg: Non-Human Party, PIBCI) that have no real prospects of ever applying for registration and are broadly compatible with our values. Or even Fusion related (Being a member of multiple branch parties).
- Perhaps there are parties out there which only operate within a certain state without any crossover to Pirate activities.
- The Pirates are not considering direct registrations any time soon anyway, so I don't see the harm in dropping this requirement, as AEC registration processes will likely be fully done through the Fusion system anyway,
- Carried on the floor of Congress 2023
- Ratified by online member vote: 47 Aye, 1 Nay, 4 Abstain
CAP-3: Membership criteria change - enrolment
Put by: Simon Gnieslaw
Repeal article 4.1(e), adjusting article 4.2(d) to end the sentence, and instead insert a new article 4.2.1(2): "Full Members are required to be registered on the Australian electoral roll."
Rationale: PR and International Membership categories are impossible if it is a base Pirate Party requirement of all members to the on the Australian electoral roll.
Supporter memberships can be opened up to those who are under 16 and therefore cannot enroll yet. There have been instances of passionate young people 13+ taking an interest in us. As long as we are not targeting children and contact is only incidental, we don't need working with children checks.
The "cannot be granted due to restrictions" clause (1) applies to what the party is allowed to do with them as far as their privileges go, not their eligibility as a member and (2) the requirement to be on the AEC roll is a Pirate requirement, not Legislation.
- Carried on the floor of Congress 2023
- Ratified by online member vote: 50 Aye, 0 Nay, 2 Abstain