Talk:Voting System High Level Requirements

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AndrewD Comments

What are the boundaries of the systems described?

Does it cover:

  • Vote counting methods?
  • Vote counting verification? How can a scrutineer validate that the votes are recorded and counted properly?
    • I note that votes to-date have ended with the raw data in an anonymous form being made available as well as the code being available. This lets independent scrutineers validate that from that raw data, the vote has been counted correctly, but does not let anybody validate that the votes were actually as recorded.
    • Maybe scrutineer servers could receive a duplicate, but anonymous hash of the identity data which would allow then to match the entire anonymous set of published votes by equal hashes without ever connecting votes to actual people.
    • This still leaves the possibility of fake-persons voting if some of the original vote emails were faked. We could allow the member system to independently verify a voters valid existence by hash alone, without compromising their identity
  • For voting in people to positions, there was a peculiar process where the Schulze method was applied iteratively with a check to see if the person accepted the position, then re-running to count votes again for next position with the accepted person excluded etc. Is this process included in the voting system?