
From Pirate Party Australia Wiki
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General principles

  • Any legislation must be as simple and clear as possible.
  • Firearms licensing schemes must be simple, effective and evidence-based.
  • Firearms licensing and sales must not be arbitrary.
  • General uniformity and reciprocity between states and territories is desirable, but states and territories should still retain some control.
  • The general feeling of safety within Australian society must be maintained.
  • A person's access to firearms should be prevented or restricted if they pose a genuine risk to the safety of others.
  • Firearms should not be confiscated unless they have been illegally obtained, are improperly stored, or their owners or operators pose a genuine risk to the safety of others.
  • Efficient, expedient and thorough background checks should be made at the time a firearm is purchased to ensure that a person does not pose a genuine risk to the safety of others.

Factual assumptions

  • Between 1989 and 2012, knives were used more often than firearms in homicides. Source.
  • Between 1989 and 2007, the use of knives in homicides increased slightly. Source.
  • Between 1989 and 2007, the use of firearms in homicides halved. Source.
  • The decrease in the use of firearms in homicides became more steady from 1996 onwards. Source.
  • The use of firearms in homicides has steadily decreased since about 1971. Source.
  • From 1993 to 2007 the number of murders was generally consistent, with a downward trend beginning in 1999. Source.
  • From 1995 to 2006 there was a sharp increase in the use of handguns in homicides. Source.
  • The worst massacre, mass murder or killing spree in Australia since 1950 was the Port Arthur Massacre in 1996. Source.
  • Australia has not experienced a comparable shooting incident since the Port Arthur Massacre. Source.
  • Firearms have been used in only a small number of violent crimes between 1995 and 2013. Source.


  • Is firearms registration necessary?
  • How can we ensure that background checks reveal all matters relevant to determining whether a person poses a genuine risk to the safety of others?
  • Comparing firearms to other weapons, what is the total number of victims per incident?