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Here’s a few reasons why you should join Pirate Party Australia

Issues that matter

We are entering an information revolution, and legislation and government should be reformed to suit. We are the first party to place the essential principles of privacy, digital liberties and civil liberties at the heart of a political platform and to provide an unambiguous ‘push-back’ in the face of growing challenges to these principles from corporations and governments.

Part of a broader alliance

We’re proud to be part of an alliance fighting for policies based on both principles and evidence. FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency represents five parties, including us, joining forces. Pirate members are automatically Fusion members too!

A new form of politics

While technology continues to change our lives and improve our standards of communication, politics in Australia has failed to keep up. We aim to offer an alternative: our meetings are regular and always open to everyone, and there are a wide range of opportunities for members to engage.

We offer a new form of politics driven from the grassroots and supported by the same technologies that have allowed communication and interaction to flourish around the world.

Inclusive and democratic

We are Australia’s most open and inclusive party. Full members are welcome to nominate for any position and vote freely in all internal ballots. Our party is free of organised factions, party “whips” and lobbyists.

All members are invited to help us shape our platform and build our policy expertise. Members have unfettered access to the Policy Development Committee and can provide policy ideas directly to the annual National Congress.

Casual and relaxed meetings

Politics shouldn’t be threatening, and we strive to promote an open and safe atmosphere. We hold relaxed and casual meetups to discuss policy and campaign matters to get everybody up to speed regardless of knowledge level.

Working hard to represent you

Party members work hard to push the Party agenda in all available arenas, such as legislative reviews and inquiries. We also work hard to represent you and your interests at relevant industry events.

Keep up-to-date

With regular news updates, mailing lists, chatrooms and meetups, there’s always the opportunity to get up to speed, learn new things and keep the ball rolling.

Become a member today!

Membership lasts for a year. You can pay whatever you want to join (even $0!).

If you are not enrolled to vote, please make sure you enrol to vote as soon as possible.

Please also check your enrolment details before becoming a member.