Federal Election 2025/Preselection Meeting 2024-06-02

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Official Party Document
The veracity of this document is ensured by the National Council and editing of this page is limited to members of the National Council.


  • Online Meeting: 3pm AEST, Sunday June 2nd
  • Voting closes: 11:59pm AEST, Monday June 10th


This meeting will be public and entirely online! To attend, you may use either the IRC or Discord chat protocols.


No RSVP is necessary for members, when you join the channel on the day you will need to confirm your identity with the Party Secretary before you are able to participate, instructions will be provided.


Minutes will be published here as soon as possible after the meeting.



  • 3:00pm Welcome and housekeeping
  • 3:10pm Nomination speeches and Q&A (20 minutes allocated per prospective candidate)
  • 3:30pm (or subsequent multiple of 20 minutes) floor vote to proceed with candidate nomination
  • 3:40pm End of the meeting

Standing Orders

The Preselection Meeting will be regulated by the National Congress Standing Orders which can be amended at the meeting and must be agreed to before business starts.

Other Information

Online voting

All major votes (including preselection decisions) that pass on the floor of the meeting must then be put to the membership by online vote.

Instructions for completing these ballots will be provided when members receive their ballots.