Federal Election 2025/Preselection Meeting 2024-06-02/Minutes

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Preselection meeting 2nd June 2024

Start: 3pm AEST


  • Business commenced approx 3:05
  • Questions around quorum - there isn't one for this
  • Simon wonders if he could put forward another candidate
    • ChatGPT roleplaying as a candidate
    • the Secretary determined that the prospective candidate was not actually present at the meeting and had not lodged a nomination prior to the start of the meeting
  • Standing orders agreed to (15:12)


  • Miles Whiticker (President)
  • Alex Jago (Secretary, CHAIR)
  • Owen Miller (prospective candidate)
  • Simon Gnieslaw (member)
  • Andrew Downing (member)

Nominations received

  • Owen Miller, for Wills (Victoria)

Nomination speeches

Owen Miller for Wills (15:15)

  • Seconded by Alex Jago
  • Living in Brunswick E, which looks like it will be in Wills
  • Professional background: CompSci/robotics, moved to Seattle with Amazon, NY in consulting, startups, now in NFTs, which let me move back to Australia
  • Melbourne is vibrant!
  • In the US I got more politically aware - what aspects of our culture can be changed?
  • In 2020 I founded the Non-Human Party to stand up for animal & robot/AI rights
  • By embracing a more software-first government we can do a lot better in terms of efficiency and effectiveness
  • Covid as an example, the govt doesn't have much in house expertise
    • marketing budget on covid app far exceeded developent cost - due to perception
  • Contrast Estonia which has focused on tech literacy, up to digital residency
    • Best country in Europe for doing business!
    • It's received some tax-haven criticism but it has its welfare system still and a happiness ranking above IT or ES!
  • Since joining Fusion I've focused more on digital innovation
  • See eg my Senate submission a few years ago or our AI submission earlier this week
  • Since joining the Pirates specifically my eyes have been opened to UBI, copyright reform, enshittification
  • In conclusion I think I have a strong affinity for Pirate and Fusion values
  • In terms of Wills, I chose to live here. And I meet the stereotypes - I'm a gay immigrant cyclist!


  • Miles: Open-source is core to the platform but we don't always discuss it. Can you talk about your relationship with OS?
    • Owen: Take banking for example. A login form for a bank seems like a solved problem but they all have to do it again. Why can't we just share the code? The incentives aren't always there. Of course, FOSS can succeed - see Linux. crypto. So in talking about a commons tragedy, governments are best placed to resolve that. In my ideal situation all govt created software should be open-sourced. Why should the benefits be limited just to using it? Also good for trust. And it even allows us to improve services - see the GovZero movement in Taiwan, where user-created websites became official.
    • Andrew: going back to the banking eample - how do you think the AU govt digital ID system works with that?
    • Owen: with Non-Human Party I was hoping to use OpenID with their Australian government account. Often today we use phone numbers as a method of keeping one account, one person. But the government has a register of births, deaths & marriages, so they're the best positioned people to de-duplicate citizens. So I asked if I could get this - I was disallowed. Now it might be more possible. Compare using Google for OIDC.
  • Andrew: on education, did you notice that Singapore introduced some new education for digital left-behinds. Should we bring that here?
    • Owen: sounds well-meaning. I remember in the crypto boom, in the Coinbase app there were offers to get $1 USD of a new coin if you went through that tutorial. So I'm skeptical about throwing money at this. If they don't care they don't care, and if they do they'll self-educate. Oh, and the government has a history of giving out bad advice.
  • Miles: we've got a lot of interest in Victoria at a council level. What are your thoughts on using your federal campaign to intersect with local?
    • Owen: well, Yarra now looks like it will overlap with Wills. I've been focused on getting the Fusion website redone rather than work on local govt things but it's time.

Floor vote

  • MOTION: support Owen's candidacy and proceed to Victorian membership vote
    • Ayes (Alex Jago, Andrew Downing, Miles Whiticker, Simon Gnieslaw)
    • Motion carried 15:43.

Meeting admin

  • Miles: interested in streamlining preselection processes within Pirates. Everyone else in Fusion is just exec endorsement. So I'm interested in options there - can the Presel meeting be replaced with just NC endorsement prior to going out to Pirate memberships? Alternatively can the Pirate membership approval requirement be met by Fusion membership approval?
  • Andrew: if a candidate is endorsed at a Fusion level we support them right?
    • Process is for Pirates to endorse, then Fusion
  • Alex remembers we need an Returning Officer

Appointment of RO

  • Andrew Downing appointed as RO pending NC ratification.


  • The Secretary thanked members for attendance.
  • Recording stopped 15:45