Minutes/General Meeting/2013-09-10

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Meeting Minutes
This document is a record of a meeting. Do not edit this document without contacting the relevant group first.

General IRC Meeting (#ppau)

Note: Special election debrief meeting "Lessons learned" pad here: http://pad.pirateparty.org.au/p/lessons-learned

Start: 20:05 10/9/13 AEST

Finish: 21:45 10/9/13 AEST


Rules conveyed as available here: https://pirateparty.org.au/wiki/Minutes/General_Meeting/Rules


  • Debrief of lead-up to election
    • Notes for future campaigns
  • Debrief of Election Day
    • Notes for future campaigns
    • Notes for future election days
    • 'Party line' on election of other minors and other party preferencing? (DanielJ)
  • What to prepare before election is called
  • Further meetings
  • Immediate Future
    • Talk Like a Pirate Day
    • Consultation on Draft Australian Privacy Principles (APP) Guidelines (Mozart)
    • Consultation on proposed objects clause and patentability exclusion (Mozart)
    • Consultation on Review of the Innovation Patent System (Mozart)
  • More Stuff for the future
    • Pirates as a Movement vs Pirates as a Party
    • Analytics


National Council, Co-ordinators, Candidates and Officers

  • Simon Frew (Chair)
  • Daniel Judge
  • Mozart Olbrycht-Palmer
  • Mark Gibbons
  • David Campbell
  • Sunny Kalsi
  • Ben McGinnes
  • Glen Takkenberg
  • Brendan Molloy
  • Bryn Busai
  • Joe Miles
  • Tom Storey
  • + a number of other general members etc



Debrief of lead-up to election

  • Comment from Joe Miles: "You were all fucking stars!"
  • Frew thanks everyone for their hard work.
  • Overall we did quite well.

Debrief of Election Day

  • Dressing up was quite popular with punters, or where there was otherwise a bit of flair
    • a welcome break from the standard fare
    • the name etc is good hook to pique peoples interest
      • sometimes people would come back due to hearing our name when they were otherwise eschewing all HTVs
  • Lots of our corflutes stolen, some vindictive, most seemingly souvenired.
    • one burnt down in QLD
  • lots of high traffic booths covered by volunteers
  • Great work by Asher, Taco, LiamP and others on twitter
    • pointing people to our platform etc when they musing on the "pirate party" name garnered a lot of potential converts
    • "Pirate Party" trended all day on election day.
      • twitter doesnt decide elections obviously, but fits well with our aim of using this election to increase awareness
      • Possible converts for next time
  • Come for the name, stay for the policies (a common sentiment, expressed in various other ways)
  • Pirate Volunteers very popular with many other party HTV volunteers and even candidates at polling places
    • many others taking our HTVs/Flyers out of interest
    • lots of policy questions and conversations
  • Idea of participatory democracy can sell well, especially to younger voters
    • increased targeting of dissafected youth could be effective
    • need to step up Uni based work etc
    • target youth unemployment (and quality of jobs)
  • People are reminded of the Policy Development Committee and that all members can suggest and propose policies etc
    • further policies on workplace stuff, economy etc could be good, unemployment etc. Need solutions, not just slogans or well wishings.
  • Lower House candidates next time?
    • Too exensive for value, but if people self fund etc could be good.
    • also work on local election levels and build grassroots etc
  • Note also, lots of ideas etc in the feedback pad: http://pad.pirateparty.org.au/p/lessons-learned
    • eg/also: more web systems, better planned spending on sites like reddit/facebook/delimiter/crikey/indi news sites
    • having designs premade for all sorts of promotional material, including easily reusable and/or fill-in-the-blanks designs. The less stuff we're having to create on the spot during the election campaign itself the better.
  • Letters to editor/local papers etc
  • lots of other ideas, eg: "tech savvy" volunteers to help out i ntheir local communities giving computer lessons to retiree and disability groups and communities under the Pirate name
  • Merchandise

'Party line' on election of other minors and other party preferencing

  • "Party line" not an accurate term.
  • PDC to work on an electoral reform policy as a matter of course
    • Brendan suggests: robson rotation (although still some issues, maybe some columnular rotation system; "Molloy Rotation") and optional above the line preferencing. Suggest we reject minimum percentages for attaining representation.
    • Threshold quotas can also be gamed
    • The sooner we have a policy here, the sooner we have a press release on it. We'll want our own policy ready before the Libs figure out what theirs is.
  • Not joining minor party alliance gained us lots of credibility

What to prepare before election is called

  • Mostly "everything"!
  • Candidates, pre prepared and prepped
  • ready to go designs for all materials
  • new HTVs etc
    • Ensure good suppliers in advance with less deadline (& shout out to how awesome & professional "Discount Printing" were)
    • Standard suppliers and local suppliers to be considered (also follow up leads on suppliers that other parties have recommended)
  • better organisational capacity (ie a functioning party bureacracy)
    • not good that DanielJ and Brendan had to develop so many materials themselves.
  • Procurement!
    • New "Quarter Master" positions to be defined. (eg Gator, see also Vjmes)
    • 1 per state perhaps?
  • Need to build state branches
    • this leads to building local member bases, and then target the areas people know best
    • Mozart and Brendan will start workig towards building templates for state constitutions
      • The Federal constitution scales down well to local/state
      • idea is state branches would just be a group within the federal Pirate Party, not indpedenent, but can have own state policies etc
      • See https://pirateparty.org.au/constitution/#2.1(4)
    • Note also preparing to register in NSW will be daunting task
      • also trend will be to make it harder to registers, need to get in front of that
  • Videos would be nice

Further meetings

  • General meetings to continue as per usual in a fortnight
  • NC meetings will be every two weeks, starting tomorrow night.
  • Mozart will email around for best PDC meeting nights, likely Tues or Weds
    • Then put in calendar

Immediate Future

  • sleep, rest, recovery (and stop having election dreams/nightmares)

Talk like a Pirate day

  • Talk Like a Pirate Day!! Only 9 days away, is a thursday
  • Would be a waste not to capitalise on it
  • Likely not enough time for a full fundraiser party event
  • Press team to do policy filled PR (Frew to start writing since he is on every committee by default!)
  • Maybe some mailout to members to encourage people to talk to people and get them on board, both face-to-face and through social media. Try to get Pirate Party trending on twitter that day.
  • also note: Cancer charity: http://www.talklikeapirateday.org/
  • Option to Register a register a TLAP picnic for Birrung Marr (park in Melbourne)
    • 6:30 event, gold coin donation perhaps. even if a small pillow fight flashmob, something to get some attention
    • Asher to present further plan to NC tomorrow if keen
    • possible sign up opportunity as well (ipad handy for joinform?)

Consultations to have stuff written for

  • Consultation on Review of the Innovation Patent System (Mozart)
    • Advisory Council on Intellectual Property's (ACIP) Options Paper, a review of the Innovation Patent system.
    • due on 4 October
    • Mozart will take this on (since he wrote most of the previous one on this topic)
    • Mozart also attending an ACIP roundtable in Sydney this Thursday.

More Stuff for the future

General Business