Minutes/General Meeting/2013-10-08
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Meeting Minutes
This document is a record of a meeting. Do not edit this document without contacting the relevant group first.
General IRC Meeting (#ppau)
Start: 20:02 08/10/13 AEST
Finish: 21:34 08/10/13 AEST
Rules conveyed as available here: https://pirateparty.org.au/wiki/Minutes/General_Meeting/Rules
- Branch Constitutions (Mozart)
- Press Team (Mozart)
- Innovation patent review (Mozart)
- APP submission (Mozart)
- PDC report (Mozart)
- Digital Privacy Review (Rundll)
- State reportbacks (State Coordinators, as present)
National Council, Co-ordinators and Officers
- Simon Frew (Pres/Chair)
- Mozart Olbrycht-Palmer (PDC/Dep Sec)
- Bryn Busai (SA Coord)
- Daniel Judge (Sec)
- Thomas Randle (Tas Coord)
- Ben McGinnes (Vic Coord)
- David Campbell (Councillor)
- Bryn Busai (SA Coord): for the last two meetings (post election and fortnight ago) study and tiredness got in the way. <-
- Melanie Thomas (QLD Coord, Dep Pres): will be a little late
Branch Constitutions
- Initially thought we could make a template for each state, but after looking each state's electoral act, there are some strict requirements for some states.
- Some bits can be copy-pasted but each State's Electoral Act will need extensive reading.
- Mozart has begun on QLD, NSW constitutions.
- A lot of it has been deciding how much can be centralised rather than in the branch constitutions.
- For example, dispute resolution. (The Queensland Act requires a dispute resolution procedure to be put in. Decision to use the Federal Party's DRC rather than replicate)
- State Constitutions can refer to Federal can there can be a flow on effect for amendments etc
- Positions of Secretary, Registered Officer, Agent/Party Agent are the usual key positions. (President and Treasurer also if brancesh are incorporated)
- Give some flexibility in deciding the composition and responsibilities of boards — we've called them "State Councils" to be a state-level analog of the "National Council" in the Federal Party (likely 7 members)
- Mozart expects to have QLD's complete by end of the month
- https://www.writelatex.com/read/jbbkqhrhdwkd (Read only at the moment, because we need to keep track of changes properly and ensure it's all compliant)
- Hopefully will have a NSW draft to present at the next meeting in Sydney.
- Then move on to (possible order) Vic, Tas, WA (reflecting some increased interest there), SA, NT, ACT (which already has a branch but needs fixing up)
- Time delay between branch founding and when it registers can give time to start on draft constitution, ratif by NC then amend prior to registration at later date.
Press Team
- Press team was properly formed at least NC meeting.
- This is the group for writing PR's
- formally mostly the good work of Mozart, but post election we've now gotten some more on board.
- Now we have a good 5 or 6 members, which should help take the burden off Mozart.
- This is the group for writing PR's
- If you find something interesting in the news, and want PPAU to comment on it, send an email with the link and an outline of the issues to [email protected]
- Note, it's really handy if you include a description of everything that should be included if yiou want a spoecific PR one a topic
- doesnt have to be too detailed, a list of issues would suffice
- Note, it's really handy if you include a description of everything that should be included if yiou want a spoecific PR one a topic
- Germans use similar tools and model to us, but have a 30min turnaround. UK and Dutch, two hours.
- Be good to try to aim to get to those levels
- The more news that funnels in, the more publicity.
- http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-10-08/giant-free-trade-deal-to-link-asia-pacific/5009202
Innovation patent review
- Innovation patent review deadline was last week.
- Mozart applied for an extension and 2 week extension was granted. (ACIP are the most reasonable government-related anything ever)
- If anyone is interested in helping write it, email [email protected]
- Mozart has made a good head start but is running out of time because of all the things on his plate.
- Submission is due Friday the 18th
Digital Privacy Review
- ALRC discussion paper on Serious Invasion of Privacy law reform came out today
- http://www.alrc.gov.au/news-media/media-release/alrc-seeks-input-serious-invasion-privacy-law-reform
- Previous AG covering himself re the NSA scandals... but we should consider a submission, get the dates on the calendar etc
- Closing Date: Monday 11 November 2013
APP Submission
- Another Privacy review. Draft APP Guidelines: http://www.oaic.gov.au/privacy/privacy-engaging-with-you/current-privacy-consultations/draft-australian-privacy-principles-guidelines/
- Dissapopintingly we missed the first deadline
- However, the second deadline for chapters 6–11 is later this month. (21 October)
- Chapters 12 and 13 will no doubt come around in November/December.
- Frew to find someone to look at finding someone on the NC or PDC to coordinate this round of submissions.
Policy Development Committee Report
- The survey is ready and should hopefully be issued this week
- it as been lumped together with a general survey
- PDC meetings should be every second Wednesday. 8:00 pm in #ppau-pdc (alternating with National Council meetings.)
State Reports
- Tas has been really quiet, but Thomas will make sure to try and kick up a meetup this weekend
- Probably down in Kingston since that's the area most of the election volunteers gravitate around
- There's been a little interest in trying to form up a state party for state elections, but it would need to get moving very quickly (election March-ish 2014)
- Palmer has been making noises in regard to Tas, so could be more parties than standard Green, Liberal, Labor.
- quiet post-election recovery in Vic
- also Ben may have issues organising much in next 2 months due to financial returns being due as well as other committments
- will discuss options etc at a later date
- Online meeting day after election day failed to draw anyone in.
- decided to wait few weeks and will organize another online meeting for next month.
- Will also look at doing a recruitment drive during the next o-week next year
- Fletcher not officially co-ordinator yet, but already working at planning things. :-)
- Student groups at the major tertiary institutions have been contacted with the possibility of a membership drive. Same with several of the popular conventions in perth.
- Last meeting two saturdays ago, not a lot to report.
- a documentary maker wants to come to the next one and use it as a backdrop for interviews
- We have a meeting this Thursday evening.
- On the agenda will be the draft constitution and a recruitment drive.
- also will have a visitor from German PP
- Last meeting was when Brendan was up here
- nothing to report, quiet atm