Minutes/General Meeting/2014-03-25

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Meeting Minutes
This document is a record of a meeting. Do not edit this document without contacting the relevant group first.

General IRC Meeting (#ppau)

Start: 19:57 25/03/14 AEST

Finish: 21:03 25/03/14 AEST


  • General announcements
  • PDC report (Mozart)
  • State reports:
    • ACT
    • QLD
      • update on QCLN activities)
    • SA
    • WA
    • NSW


National Council, Co-ordinators and Officers

  • Simon Frew (Chair)
  • Daniel Judge (NC)
  • Mozart Olbrycht-Palmer (NC, PDO)
  • Brendan Molloy (NC)
  • David Campbell (NC)
  • Bryn Busai
  • Michelle Allen
  • Sunny Kalsi


  • Fletcher Boyd (WA) - interview.


General Announcements

  • Happy Birthday Brendan

TPP Stakeholder meeting

  • There is a Trans-Pacific Partnership briefing from DFAT on Thursday that a few of us are attending
    • there are also more public meetings explaining the agreement being organised
    • once details are locked down, everyone will be informed

Internet Engineering Committee

PDC report

  • Most of you will have received (and hopefully read) and announcement about what the Policy Development Committee (PDC) has been up to lately.
  • A few working groups have been launched and they have had their meetings
  • It's really important for everyone to check the calendar on the website.
    • Best form of communicating when meetings are on otherwise there would be too many emails
  • Last Thursday was a meeting of the Constitutional Reform WG.
  • Last night was a meeting of the Agriculture and Food WG.
  • Tomorrow is the the Senate Elections WG
    • They will be making a position statement from which we can write a submission on a review of the 2013 election.
  • Activities of the committee are available at https://pirateparty.org.au/wiki/Policy_Development_Committee#What_Is_Happening_Right_Now
    • You can use that to keep track of meetings and WGs that you might be interested in, and Mozart will be sending out fortnightly announcements hopefully.
    • Everyone is able to attend and participate in working groups, for clarification.

State Reports


  • Nothing to report


  • QCLN held a meeting in the Brisbane Town Hall last night, under the banner 'Unite to Defend Civil Liberties' - 'repeal VLAD and other anti-democratic laws' http://qcln.org.au/
    • A modest turnout, but good nonetheless
    • Some great speakers on the lineup
    • We'll be resuming PP QLD meeting proper over the next few weeks
      • The last few months have seen our core members heavily commited elsewhere, and we've not had a proper meeting in quite some time..
  • Note: dotnetdave reporting on behalf of Mel


  • for last month... nothing much
  • Bryn is now the bridge between the party and Tammy Franks, a Greens MLC
  • we'll need to look at the Labor CCTV bill.



  • There's a meeting for Sydney this weekend
  • Newcastle meeting next weekend.


  • Had an actual in person meeting on the 13th, only three of us there, but that's better than no in person meeting
  • Other news: state election the other week, looks like 15 liberal 7 labor 3 greens at this stage
  • Planning another meeting for next month with hopefully more turnout

General Business

  • Some discussion on 'Knighthoods' in response to Abbotts titles announcement
  • Some discussion on electoral guidelines and how they interact with the nature of the internet and whether a tweet is considered a publication, a broadcast or a communication.