Minutes/National Council/2013-01-30
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Meeting Minutes
This document is a record of a meeting. Do not edit this document without contacting the relevant group first.
- Approve previous meeting's minutes.
- Recap action items of last meeting (Everyone)
- Registration (Brendan)
- Press Team — http://pirateparty.openpad.me/press-team-tor (Mozart)
- Policy Development Committee ToR Amendments (Brendan)
- PDC WG for Data Retention (Brendan)
- Campaigns ToR (Brendan) - http://pirateparty.openpad.me/campaigns-tor
- Giving Thomas Randle access to enquiries (Mozart)
- Approval for postcode and suburb columns for Damien, if necessary (Brendan)
- Coordinators attending meetings (David)
- Electoral roll (Brendan)
- Election Date, September 14th
- March/April meeting update (Mozart, Simon).
- Communications Update (Brendan)
- Authorise website update (Brendan)
- Preselection bylaw (Brendan)
- Approve business card design
- Approve social media policy
- Close meeting
- Brendan Molloy
- David Campbell
- Glen Takkenberg
- Mozart Olbyrcht-Palmer
- Sam Kearns
- Simon Frew
Start: 19:59 30/01/2013 AEDT
Finish: 21:31 30/01/2013 AEDT
Recap of previous meeting action items
- Simon has started looking for suitable venues for the March policy meeting. Results have been emailed to the NC.
- Sam has drafted an anti-discrimination statement.
- Brendan has drafted the preselection bylaw and sent out the fortnightly newsletter on Tuesday.
- Letter to PPI-GA has not yet been written by Simon.
- Mozart will be meeting with Martin Fredriksson at 12pm February 9th.
- nothing to add (See general meeting minutes)
Press Team
- See http://pirateparty.openpad.me/press-team-tor.
- Media Relations Committee has stalled.
- Restructuring it as a small group (see draft ToR) on a provisional basis may be more effective.
- Webcast may be moved to Campaigns or retained as part of the MRC, depending on Sam's preference.
Policy Development Committee (PDC) ToR Ammendments
- Changes proposed by Brendan to clarify PDC processes and expectations:
- Change all bullet points to numbered lists - self explanatory.
- Amendment to "Summary of Purpose" to add sentence: "The PDC should be the first step a member takes when developing a policy proposal, and members should be encouraged to work with the PDC where possible."
- Amendment to "The Committee" to include: "Must write and publish documents explaining all committee processes."
- Amendment to "The PDO (or a nominated stand in)" to include: "Must actively inform the member base of the existence of working groups."
- Mozart disagrees that the PDC should be the first step; funneling people through it is inappropriate.
- People with insane policies will be rejected and write their own for presentation at Congress themselves.
- The PDC can reject policies due to bias.
- People should be allowed to research and formulate policies independently, i.e., they should also be made aware this option exists as well as the PDC.
- Proposed solution by Brendan/David - "The Policy Development Committee (PDC) is established in order to research and develop policies that, after a vote is held at a National Congress, may be adopted as federal Party policy. The PDC should be recommended as the first step a member takes when developing a policy proposal, and members should be encouraged to work with the PDC where possible."
- Proposed solution rejected by Brendan/David for being irrelevant.
- Mozart's addition to the ToR of explicitly explaining to members that the PDC route is optional is redundant, as: "The Committee (7): Cannot prevent members from developing and proposing policies independently".
PDC Working Group on Data Retention
- Not strictly a NC issue, but the party platform needs further expansion in this area.
- As PDC is not currently considering this, it needs to be recommended that they form a WG on this as soon as possible.
Campaigns ToR
- Campaigns ToR draft is not completed and will be revisited in a fortnight.
Giving Thomas Randle access to enquiries
- See motion
Approval for postcode and suburb columns for Damien, if necessary
- Brendan is working with Damien to use membership data and Google Maps to create a heatmap to visualise the location of members.
- Makes planning local crew meetups easier, targeting areas with higher density of members.
- Dummy data will be given to Damien for the purposes of testing code.
- State co-ordinators will be given a list of places that are ideal for meetups, as well as general member statistics.
State co-ordinators attending meetings
- Improved turnout at yesterdays National meeting.
- Small surge of members post registration.
- Need to catalyze activity in WA and Victoria.
- David will speak to the Victorian co-ordinator tomorrow to see if he is still keen on holding the position, and progressing the formation of the state chapter. Activity in Victoria has stalled.
Electoral roll
- Glen to request a copy of the electoral roll from the AEC.
Election Date, September 14th
- September 14th is the date of the elections, as announced by Julia Gillard today.
March/April policy meeting update
- Frew has started looking for venues.
- Most venues owned by Sydney Council want public liability insurance and are pricey.
- Clarification: the March/April meeting will not allow constitutional amendments.
- March 30/31 is the preferred date, avoiding scheduling clashes with the PPI conference and WA elections. 3/24 is also acceptable.
Communications Update
- See http://pirateparty.openpad.me/comms-direction-statement.
- Glen has noticed that social media has been overlooked; added on the spot by Brendan.
- To be sent on the announcements list as a statement.
Authorize website update
- See staging site for general look and feel.
- Some remaining technical glitches to be fixed.
- Working on mobile but some issues with widescreen desktop displays.
Preselection bylaw
- Deferred to next NC meeting as Rodney is absent.
- Extraordinary NC meeting to be held next week. Day to be determined via e-mail.
Approve business card design
- Business card designs to be revisited next NC meeting.
Approve social media policy
- See motion
- Motion: accept the minutes located at https://pirateparty.org.au/wiki/Minutes/National_Council/2013-01-16 as the minutes of the last NC meeting.
- 6 ayes.
- Motion passes.
- Motion: to accept this ToR (http://pirateparty.openpad.me/press-team-tor) as provisional and to revisit next NC meeting.
- 6 ayes.
- Motion passes.
- Motion: Amendment to "Summary of Purpose" to add sentence: "The PDC should be recommended as the first step a member takes when developing a policy proposal, and members should be encouraged to work with the PDC where possible."
- 6 ayes.
- Motion passes.
- Motion: Change all bullet points to numbered lists.
- 5 ayes.
- Motion passes.
- Motion: Amendment to "The Committee" to include: Must write and publish documents explaining all committee processes.
- 5 ayes.
- Motion passes.
- Motion: Amendment to "The PDO (or a nominated stand in)" to include: Must actively inform the member base of the existence of working groups.
- 5 ayes.
- Motion passes.
- Motion: Give Thomas Randle access to enquiries.
- 5 ayes.
- Motion passes.
- Motion: accept the Communications Direction Statement as worded for announcement on the Party Announcements and Party Discussion list
- 5 ayes.
- Motion passes.
- Motion: accept new theme for website conditional on IT and PWG being happy with it.
- 6 ayes.
- Motion passes.
- Motion: accept social media policy as worded
- 5 ayes.
- Motion passes.
Action Items
- NC to inform PDC that they should create a WG on data retention as soon as possible.
- Glen (Registered Officer) to request a copy of the electoral roll from the AEC.
- Nick to Create a Creative Services Work Group mailing list within the dada mailing list system