Minutes/National Council/2014-12-29
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Meeting Minutes
This document is a record of a meeting. Do not edit this document without contacting the relevant group first.
- Previous meeting's minutes
- PPI (Frew)
- Banking (Daniel)
- Shirts (Brendan)
- Fundraising (MarkG)
- Treasurer Position (Daniel)
- Standards (Fletcher)
- 2015: what's on the horizon (Brendan)
- General Business
Start: 20:33 AEDT
End: 21:40 AEDT
- Brendan Molloy
- Fletcher Boyd
- Daniel Judge
- Simon Frew
- Michael Keating
- David Campbell
- Mark Gibbons
- Melanie Thomas
Previous meeting's minutes
- https://pirateparty.org.au/wiki/Minutes/National_Council/2014-11-27
- https://pirateparty.org.au/wiki/Minutes/National_Council/2014-12-11
- Typo fixed
- See Motions
- PPI Board meeting was attended by Frew
- Wasn't abysmal, but very short...
- Very little decided at meeting
- Frew not sure why we were invited...
- Frew used the occasion to push for an online GA
- they seemed amenable to it, and got no opposition for the Andrew Norton proposal, although likely that Thomas Gaul opposes it
- Brendan proposes we prepare a motion for their board meeting and ask for one of them to present it setting out the requirements and timelines.
- International Relations Team to draft
- Brendan and Daniel received their security tokens in the mail
- MarkG hopes the debit card is ready and awaiting him in Canberra (he is out of town atm)
- Old Bendigo accounts to be closed
- Brendan has expense claim, sent via email, that needs to be processed.
Shirts & Fundraising
- MarkG has fundraising plan to buy a larger number for more efficient costs
- Time has gotten on and we need the Pozible shirts asap
- They also need to be TapeBones design
- DanielJ to follow up with RedOctopus via email asap to quote order.
- Joe should still be good to distribute/post
- DanielJ to follow up on this
- NC to look over Marks proposal for further comment at later date at: http://pad.pirateparty.org.au/p/fundraising
- Likely drop it to a single 200 order for now rather than proposed numbers due to cost etc
- Need to set up a proper procurement and digital store process and framework
- Mel also had a marketing plan she was working on (possibly)
Treasurer Position
- Ben had emailed Brendan some further details
- Needs to email NC with a statement of status
- DanielJ to follow up and remind
- Need to resolve matters by meeting of 7th Jan
- Just a general reminder
- https://pirateparty.org.au/wiki/Standards
- There are certain areas of these that still need to be written and others that just need to be tidied up
- Treasury needs to be written and remember that the links on that page are only suggestions, if there's other things you'd like to include feel free to add them
- Brendan added a new barebones one here: https://pirateparty.org.au/wiki/Standards/National_Congress/Policy_Proposal since it should be moved out of standing order but needn't be a by-law
- Remember the purpose behind this is to get the processes we follow out of our head and into the wiki so other state councils can adapt them off the bat and future NCs don't suffer from knowledge loss when a major rep leaves
- Standards are there to be followed where it makes sense to and ignored when it can be justified.
2015: what's on the horizon
- Mozart is busy with two major subs
- Data retention and ALRC freedoms
- These are due in January
- This 6 month period is going to be copyright and NatSec intensive
- We have experience in these fields
- Strategy-wise: on copyright, Brendan suggests we continue to draw attention to the reform agenda that is being ignored.
- Similar for data retention
- Luddite card, not listening to experts, forcing ISPs into a corner, wasteful Stasi
- Constitution Review Committee will start up
- Women's Engagement WG is going to start
- Brendan has also been considering the idea of proposing a constitutional amendment to introduce a provision for a paid employee, the Executive Officer, who would do the bidding of the National Council
- difficult to scale up with 100% volunteer group
- this would be discussed in the CRC, nutted out and possibly proposed at the congress
- while we could introduce this without the congress, we'd need a strong vote on it to even bother as it'd raise membership fees significantly
- as we're scaling up to be multi-branch federal and state, we should be able to achieve 2k or more members over the next 2-3 years
- some further debate on funding possibilities etc was had, but we could not afford it in current state, would need to raise money first
- fixed term contract periods etc
- would include proper community management etc
- we need the constitutional protections so it can't splash back on us if it goes bad and it can't allow anyone to exploit us and vice versa.
- Possible yearly crowdfunding campaign
- all to be discussed within CRC so if people are interested, join debate there when it starts up
- Reminder that Brendan departs for overseas on 15th Jan
General Business
- Calendar updated with Sydney meeting details showing DanielJ as coord now
- meeting missed last Saturday as was left in calendar, need ensure kept updated
- DanielJ has received electoral roll discs in mail, but not yet received the password for encrypted components
- need follow up
- Certified hard copy of dutch court translation has also been received in mail.
- DanielJ to file for records should we ever need to prove certified status if someone questions the translation
- Fletcher has I've found that small changes that need to take place over a long period of time tend to fall through the cracks. I know we've looked at team management solutions in the past but even a universal pad or wiki page would be better than nothing. Items would include action items but also long term wishlist items. That would make it easier for someone coming in to know what to suggest and where they may be able to offer their services specifically.
- Fletcher to set up and maintain such a repository (with DanielJ) - wiki etc
- MOTION: Accept the minutes of 2014-11-27 and 2014-12-11 as written.
- Put by: Brendan
- Ayes: 6 (Frew_, Brendan, DanielJ, Keating, Fletcher, David); Nays: 0 (); Abstains: 0 ()
- Motion carries.
- MOTION: Close the last meeting of 2014.
- Put by: Brendan
- Ayes: 6 (Brendan, Frew_, DanielJ, MarkG, Keating, David); Nays: 0 (); Abstains: 0 ()
- Motion carries.
Action Items
- MarkG to follow up on debit card
- MarkG to follow up with Nick on technical details re fundraising proposal
- DanielJ to get 15 shirt quote
- DanielJ to email Ben re Treasurer status
- DanielJ to email Joe re posting items
- International Relations to draft motion for PPI
- DanielJ to follow up AEC re electoral roll postage addresses
- Fletcher and DanielJ to set up/maintain repository of wishlist/action items etc