Minutes/National Council/2015-04-29
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Meeting Minutes
This document is a record of a meeting. Do not edit this document without contacting the relevant group first.
- Previous meeting's minutes
- Incomplete, added to action items
- Outcome of the general meeting (Daniel/Frew)
- AEC audit update (Daniel)
- General Business
Start: 20:49 AEDT
End: 21:46 AEDT
- Daniel Judge
- Simon Frew
- Melanie Thomas
- David Campbell
- Michael Keating
- Ben McGinnes
- Fletcher Boyd
- Brendan Molloy
- Mark Gibbons
Previous meeting's minutes
- Not completed this week
- See Action Items
Outcome of the general meeting
- Some new faces
- Not huge trunout, but respectable
- Agenda was:
- AEC Audit
- State Party Registration plans
- Course of Action should an early election be called
- discussed release of https://pirateparty.org.au/dataretention/
- a rundown of audit details
- then a 'what if' in case there was a Double Dissolution as a result of a future Abbott spill etc
- this became a conversation about member fees and renewals as well as fundraising
- upshot is everyone recognises that the member renewal stuff needs to get sorted.
Action items
- Brendan to work on audit code
- Done and then some
- Daniel to continue with data retention pages
- ongoing, draft url circulated, mainly just final proof and cosmetic changes needed
- time window for eliciting Brendans assistance with cosmetic edits missed, will continue without
- some feedback from discussion forum incorporated into content
- Fletcher to email NC about attendance
- not done
- DanielJ sent the stuff off to AEC today after finally getting the stat decs signed by the JP at work
- we got 716 or so responses frome the audit email (by the 14/4/15)
- DanielJ did a random check of these names to ensure they all matched the electoral roll (using the AEC form)
- We had kind of expected that based off the email we sent all, that these would be a pretty good match and thought we were being overly pedantic checking this...
- Alas, out of those random checks we found more than we expected that didnt give me a match... so in the end we ended up checking every 716 of those names and then some
- We ended up with was 611 names that were kept on the list, so around 100+ give or take that were scratched off.
- Some of those 100 were just removed since they had stuff like an address that was "1 Silent Voter Road", or had a DOB that made no sense etc
- Most of them we got outright rejection from the AEC form, meaning enough of their info was wrong, that it couldnt even give an indication that they were enrolled
- We also got was a lot of responses that were essentially (in different words) 'yeah you are pretty much on the electoral roll, but we cant give you the 100% confirmation that shows the details cos there is a bit missing or wrong'
- We are confident that over 90% of these responses belong to people that left out their middle names.
- In the final break down, these comprised 139 of the 707. (the numbers here may not add up exactly as by now had also drawn from emails sent after the spreadhseet was initially exported)
- Ended up with:
- 467 full confirm against the roll
- 139 that we have over 90% confidence are a match but were just missing their middle name
- 4 that had the right details for state enrolments, but gave a message to update their details for federal
- So these were removed as well as however many from the 139 list that was needed to bring that 467 up to 550.
- So there's 80 odd (give or take) people on the submitted list that we didnt get a 'with my own eyes 100% confirmation agianst the roll', but they are almost certainly only missing their middle name.
- The number of people in that category, that went into the fully confirmed category just by guessing a middle name of "john" was not insignificant. ;-P
- and out of interest Statewise the numbers break down to:
- ACT: 43
- NSW: 195
- NT: 3
- QLD: 102
- SA: 42
- TAS: 21
- VIC: 144
- WA: 56
- This is people that replied to audit prior to AEC submission and were either 100% confirmed on the roll, or fall into that 'pretty sure but possibly missing middle name' category.
- So we do have almost 200 in NSW which is double the needed for local govt rego
- assuming at least 50% of those people are willing to print sign and mail back a paper form...
- keep in mind, we have a lot more people than this on our books total, these are just the ones confirmed via audit email and then subsequent checking.
- so the next step, after chasing NSW people for local rego, will be a more general audit at some stage soon of the rest of the members on the database, ie make sure what we have in our membership list in total are people we can count etc
General Business
- Ben notes that there looks like there were some failed payment transfers from PIN to us
- Ben will forward the email to the NC and follow up with PIN
- Brendan will follow up with a UTS contact re congress venue, or alternately has a USyd option
- Iceland has withdrawn from PPI
- Article in pedestrian TV about our data retention guide resulted in much traffic
- traffic sources: 34.6% reddit, 33% pedestrian.tv, 28.5% facebooks, twitter 1.7%, flipboard 1%, news corp 0.2%
- Davids activity levels may be affected by some family issues
- MOTION: Close the meeting.
- Put by: Fletcher
- Ayes: 6 (Ben, DanielJ, Keating, Fletcher, Dave, Frew); Nays: 0 (); Abstains: 0 ()
- Motion carries.
Action Items
- Ben to follow up transactions with PIN
- Ben to forward bank account balance status to NC
- Brendan to follow up with UTS re venue