Minutes/National Council/2015-03-12

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Meeting Minutes
This document is a record of a meeting. Do not edit this document without contacting the relevant group first.


Start: 20:41 AEDT
End: 22:58 AEDT


  • Fletcher Boyd
  • Mark Gibbons
  • Ben McGinnes
  • Daniel Judge
  • Simon Frew
  • Melaine Thomas
  • Michael Keating
  • David Campbell
  • Mozart Olbrycht-Palmer (Press/Inquiries Officer)
  • Rebecca Howard (Social Media Officer) (20:55)



Previous meeting's minutes

Data Retention

  • Likely to pass with ALP support but some minor amendments
  • Need to tackle this with better ways that just issuing a press release
  • have to pare it down to something we can make into a feature webpage
  • how to protect your privacy should encompass any anti-piracy agreement that gets agreed to
  • would also like to try get a simple sharable video done on this, lower priority though
  • Ben to see if radio show on 3-RRR interested in story/interview
    • can possibly also recycle some old cryptoparty material
    • also try find old mp3 of previous interview
  • If need be try and contact Sam or Joe for voice talent if video to be done.
  • Trying to revive podcast in some form in future would be nice.
  • Ben to liaise with Daniel over any final content to ensure any technical issues are correct, but while trying to maintain an ELI5 level of complexity
    • more detail can be linked off to elsewhere, want simple
  • Continue discussion under here for now: https://discuss.pirateparty.org.au/t/proactive-responses-to-data-retention/469 but branch off later if need be.
  • See motions/action items

Anti-piracy code

Submission/Press release approval process

  • See here: https://discuss.pirateparty.org.au/t/draft-authorisation-processes-for-external-communication/470/3
  • resulted in Mozart writing this: https://pirateparty.org.au/wiki/Authorisation_processes
    • Clarifies process on submissions from Pirate Party Australia
    • Also, Chris Jones raised concerns relating to how press releases happen a month or two ago.
  • So the above clarifies both submission and press release approval processes
    • And is also obviously expandable to cover other things, such as the use of the logo, and election materials.
  • this replaces/removes the "press release standard"
  • Mozart will also eventually convert the submissions standard to a guide more like the Press Release Guide.
    • Standards == administrative processes.
    • Guides == content creation.
  • See Motions

Socmed standards ratification

  • as Rebecca points out: these were written up in August/September and offered up for comment, she just didn't proceed to get them ratified so they're still listed as drafts

it's just writing out the standards we already follow and would expect new members to follow and much of it is already in the guidelines, hence the next motion to remove the guidelines as they're completely irrelevant once the standards are made official

  • a point that anyone with account accesses should use 2FA wherever possible
    • most/all of us already do, but this will be added at a later date as an official requirement
    • will raise a 'security standards' discussion at a later date
  • See Motions


  • At the moment the membership database exists as a mongo db which can only be manipulated via the command line.
  • A stop gap measure for secretarial modifications would be to throw a 3rd party mongo gui client over the top, Fletcher hasn't had a chance to look into this yet.
  • We've also had an offer from a member to assist in building a more long term interface and if someone would like to put their hand up to liaise with him that would be appreciated.
  • Some debate over use of Mongo raised, but it is what we are working with for now
  • There's several ways we can go about preparing for the AEC audit. A more long term solution is to tack on an extra bit to our join form system that allows members to confirm their current details but if we don't get that done then we can also pull details manually and contact members.
    • A reminder that we only need to provide 500-550 members to the AEC.
  • Ideal solution for audit would be to email membership and have them confirm details via a form, as opposed to phonecalls and manual audit as it can amount to a tediously large amount of work
  • AEC audit needs to be priority for now, anything else re renewal fee payments etc can wait
    • if we get deregistered, may as well pack up and go home
    • should not be a problem, we have over 1000 members at present
  • there was a suggestion that we use data retention and copyright proposals etc as another spur for a 'pay what you want' membership drive which will also give us a buffer of 'known to be up to date' recent members
    • last such campaign netted 100 new members
    • will sort out details then do a CFV over email to approve

State Parties/Future direction

  • MarkG suggests that a serious strategy for registering state branches is really important at this stage in our development.
  • Also not DanielJ long post here: https://discuss.pirateparty.org.au/t/recruitment-ppau-objectives-and-the-big-picture/471/4
  • MarkG suggests that recruitment is the overarching job that shadows processes and policy dev and all that
  • Sorting out Membership DB is in many ways a precursor to everything here, the short term first step to everything and ensure registration continuation
  • A means for state co-ords to readily contact state members is desired also
  • also for eventual recruitment drive time a suggestion that we should run a kickstarter to pay an expert to manage this for us for a little while
  • pulling a 'state of the membership' soon is probably handy, break down some of our demographics where we have that data... see where we have core people, see where we have holes we can fill (demographically etc)
  • more debate on database technologies ensues: further such debate will need be held over for another time though (since trying to change that aspect now prior to AEC audit is impractical - sort out audit, then can look at tech issues beyond what is needed to get audit done)
  • post audit also start looking at general strategies to boost recruitment and start measuring performance state by state
    • also useful to bring in more active people than just general membership as activities get very taxing on the same core of people
    • other party activities also factor into recruitment, eg good policies on peoples core passionate issues should help draw them in.
      • ie for a lot of us, tech issues are central, but not so for other people. Expansion of platform so far good for this, as people with other core 'dealbreaker' issues can see our platform and agree with our stance on those.
      • generally need to be more conscious in regard to recruitment as we campaign
      • a caveat though, we need good structures and so on before mass recruitment lest we attract too many loons and grow beyond our means to manage ourselves responsibly too fast (as has happened in other countries/parties)
      • ie we need the administrative structures & depth in place to handle a large influx of people (eg complete the standards project)
  • also need to start turning up at events with stalls, like Uni markets, trade events etc and recruit
    • this leads into needing a stock of banners, current flyers, cards, etc. etc.
  • quality recruitment in addition to numerical recruitment and get our processes and infrastructure in order to function smoothly in response to growth
  • member db & structures -> recruitment & renewals -> more funds -> merch -> more recruitment opportunities
    • note also, ensuring stuff like state requirements down pat before big recruitment drives in real world is important
      • eg: if holding stalls to recruit people in NSW, it would make sense to have the paper forms present that they need to sign for their membership to count for NSW registration otherwise we'll be wasting time later chasing them down to sign them
  • Also, elections and associated media coverage and how to vote card handouts are still some of the most effective advertising/ways of reaching large numbers of new people
    • hence useful to look at local elections as a means to build toward state rego efforts
    • could help build local bases as well to help with federal elections (ie volunteers on election day etc)
    • we could well already meet the 100 ppl requirement for local elections in NSW (need double check, but pretty sure it does include the paperwork requirement though)
    • note though, that 2016 is not that far off, so need to look at it now.
  • While many people may like core PPAU policies etc, often it takes local issues to get passionate people agitated.
  • Obviously need to keep focus on larger core issues like data retention and copyright at federal level and not detract from that
    • resourcing problem to look at local issues now
  • But local candidates could have more leeway to determine local issues/policies by applying 'pirate wheel' etc to them
    • also could be useful to come up with an 'local issue' catch all list, eg many transparency, anti-corruption ideas can be applied widely to all local councils etc

Next Congress

  • Just a reminder congress in Sydney is coming soon and time to start looking for venues etc

Constitutional Review

General Business

  • Fletcher resigning as WA co-ord due to time constraints
    • no replacement options as yet
  • 2FA for account security discussion taken on notice to look at at a future meeting


  • MOTION: Accept the minutes of 2015-02-18
    • Put by: DanielJ
    • Ayes: 7 (Simon Frew, Michael Keating, Ben McGinnes, Mark Gibbons, David Campbell, Fletcher Boyd, Daniel Judge); Nays: 0 (); Abstains: 0 ()
      • Motion carries.
  • MOTION: Daniel to coordinate the creation of tools explaining data retention and how to protect your privacy in the surveillance site. First priority is a website, second a podcast, third a video. These need to be technically sound and human readable.
    • Put by: DanielJ
    • Ayes: 6 (Fletcher Boyd, Michael Keating, Mark Gibbons, Simon Frew, Melaine Thomas, Daniel Judge); Nays: 0 (); Abstains: 0 ()
      • Motion carries.
  • MOTION: Accept the Press Release/Submission Authorisation processes as written at https://pirateparty.org.au/wiki/Authorisation_processes
    • Put by: DanielJ
    • Ayes: 8 (Fletcher Boyd, Simon Frew, Mark Gibbons, Daniel Judge, Michael Keating, Melaine Thomas, David Campbell, Ben McGinnes); Nays: 0 (); Abstains: 0 ()
      • Motion carries.
  • MOTION: Accept and ratify the Social Media standards as written at https://pirateparty.org.au/wiki/Standards/Social_Media
    • Put by: DanielJ
    • Ayes: 7 (Simon Frew, Ben McGinnes, Fletcher Boyd, Mark Gibbons, Daniel Judge, Michael Keating, Melaine Thomas); Nays: 0 (); Abstains: 0 ()
      • Motion carries.
  • MOTION: close meeting
    • Put by: DanielJ
    • Ayes: 5 (Ben, MarkG, Frew, DanielJ, Keating); Nays: 0 (); Abstains: 0 ()
      • Motion carries.

Action Items

  • Daniel to coordinate the creation of tools explaining data rentention and how to protect your privacy in the surveillance site. First priority is a website, second a podcast, third a video. These need to be technically sound and human readable.
  • MarkG to look into the process for local reg and report back for next NC meet
  • Ben to get privacy protection resources together
  • DanielJ/Fletcher to liaise with Brendan about details for another 'pay what you want' recruitment campaign