National Council Meeting Agenda

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Next National Meeting

Monday, January 30, 2012 - 8pm AEST (on IRC – join #PPAU on


  • General party updates.
  • Fonts!
  • Discussion of Megaupload.
    • Proposed response if asked: "Pirate Party Australia does not wish to be associated with businesses that promote commercial copyright infringement and have lax standards regarding the distribution of child abuse material. However, we are concerned with the ramifications for legitimate account holders, and the increasing enforcement of US law over the world that has been occurring recently, but have deliberately chosen to focus on what we consider to be more important issues, including ACTA, similar international agreements, and mandatory internet filtering."
  • Party needs official slogan.
  • Discuss location of next National Congress.

Next National Council Meeting

Monday, March 26, 2012 - 8pm AEST


  • MOTION: To contribute one-third the total cost of airfares for Brendan to attend the PPI Conference in Prague, in April 2012.
  • MOTION: To consider the position of Party Agent vacant.
  • MOTION: That in a future announcement the National Council declares the positions vacant, and open them to interest parties. The method of election shall be chosen after the announcement. Positions vacant are Deputy Treasurer and Party Agent.
  • MOTION: Consider endorsement of Brendan Molloy for PPI board
  • MOTION: Consider endorsement of Andrew Norton (USPP) for PPI board

  • National council plans and discussions.
  • Discuss Corporate Identity:
    • Capitalization of all words, except for articles, prepositions, conjunctions, and forms of "to be".
  • O-Week.
  • Pirate clubs/societies at universities.

Where meetings are held


Public IRC meetings are held in #ppau on PirateNet ( / at 20:00 (AEST) on Wednesdays. The Agenda listed below is open for all Pirate Party members or guests Australia wide, to add to and modify, and this will be discussed during the meeting.


Meetings of the National Council usually take place on Skype following a general meeting (held on IRC) These meetings are Minuted on the Wiki and the Resolutions and action items are made available to all members.

Local Meetings

Locations, times and agenda for State and Crew meetings can be found elsewhere on the Wiki or on the forums. If you wish to see some action taken in your local area, please add your issue or idea there. If there is no Crew in your local area then go ahead and start one!

Previous National Meetings

IRC Meeting Logs are stored on the wiki.

National Council – Tuesday, November 29, 2011 - 8pm AEST


  • transfer bank account details to new Treasurer
    • discuss status of accounts
  • tighten security regarding who has access to accounts such as Twitter
  • discuss status of platform
  • media relations
  • wtf logo font
  • it/systems
    • major server outage
    • lock and kill forums
    • move to drupal 7 or WP
  • swag
  • iitrial: press releases required
  • human centipede 2 banned
  • discussion about University campaigning and formation of the Campaign Committee
  • formation of a Squad to start work on Pirate Sampler

Monday, November 28, 2011 - 8pm AEST


  • Discuss state of wiki
  • Discuss state of website
    • find a designer to actually finish it this time
  • Discuss implementation of motions that passed the Congress

Tuesday, 18 May, 2010, 20:00 (AEST)

Meeting minutes


    • Update on Registration
    • Forming Crews[1]
    • Campaigning Against Censorship.
    • Public meetings. Internet, Freedom and the Future.
    • ACTA campaign brainstorming.
    • Membership fees

Tuesday, 16 March 2010, 20:00 (AEDT)

Meeting minutes


Wednesday, 13th January 2010, 20:00 (AEDT)


  1. Consorting with Bikers - purpose? - Consider party focus
  2. - Discuss implementation - Rather urgent, reorganisation required
  3. Discuss why 1500 preliminary members is yet to be converted into 500 members
    1. Possible reasons:
      1. Lack of clear statement of platform? (Final Draft to be complete by Friday)
      2. Lack of public meetings? (Requests for Melbourne meeting, who is responsible for WA, many requests for meeting there.)
      3. Membership Fee - Waive, provide concession, alternative?
  4. Term of NC positions - shorten?
  5. Update of ACTA FOI
  6. Update on Internet Filtering Working Groups
    1. Sydney Meeting
    2. Queensland -
    3. South Australia - Australian Internet Lobby (who are they?)
  7. Pamphlets needed
    1. Issues
      1. Party Address Required

National Council Agenda

  1. Accounting structure, necessary compliance, transparency etc.

Wednesday, 16 December 2009, 20:00 (AEDT)


Current Projects

  1. Membership Drive & Registration
  2. Internet Censorship approved - Actions.
  3. Consultations - R18+ - Establishment of formal working groups.
  4. Swag & Fundraising
  5. Platform Documentation
  6. Statement on Green Technology
  7. Swag
  8. Committee Progress
  9. Code of Conduct for persons acting on behalf of the Party
  10. SA Campaign (Requirements etc)
  11. SA Party - Separation of Federal/State by way of personnel (Council Members)
  12. ACTA - action/form letter (Priority!)

Requests from IT Committee

  1. Plan for membership communication (mailing lists, forum, IRC etc) with respect to:
    1. Legal Responsibility (Legal Committee contacted)

Wednesday, 28 October 2009, 20:00 (AEDT)

  1. Progress on incorporation, PO Box, bank account and signatures.
  2. Set up a Policy Development Committee or Working Group, perhaps as per discussion here, to finalise policy to be balloted.
  3. Committee progress and procedures for committees to relay developments to members.
  4. Open discussion.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009, 20:30 (AEDT)

  1. Appoint someone to take minutes.
  2. State of the Party - President & Secretary should report on progress of bank accounts, PO Box and legals.
  3. Registration of the party
  4. Discuss strategy document - Which document is this? Is there an outline somewhere? --Roderick 05:02, 21 October 2009 (UTC)
  5. Formally appoint co-ordinator for website if not already done.
  6. Local meetings should be being organised - what is happening? Who is responsible in each capital city? If not, call for a volunteer, and get things moving.
  7. Define committee scopes, roles, and appoint people to be responsible for them.
  8. Senator Conroy has committed to a public consultation on the internet filter[1] - we need to set up a committee to research our arguments against the filter, and to begin drafting our submission. Volunteers to list themselves, and appointment of a co-ordinator to delegate duties.
  9. Discuss directive on Intellectual property - Adopted
  10. Discuss Licencing directive. - Under Consideration
  11. Open discussion.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009, 20:00 (AEST)

This Ventrilo meeting was recorded and minutes for it should be posted soon. --Emjay 00:27, 8 October 2009 (UTC)

Monday, 24 August 2009, 20:00 (AEST)

  1. Leadership - Need to elect leadership and other positions - We have enough people to have an election - How do we elect them? What is the nomination and election procedure? Who wants to take the reigns? Discuss roles and positions.
  2. Someone else need to take control of the domain, website, email etc - I'm not a competent or knowledgeable web admin. --Roderick 01:53, 20 August 2009 (UTC)
  3. Policy and Manifesto Update - Status - Set time for meeting, and conference call.
  4. Membership Update - Numbers - Progress towards registration.
  5. Issues Outside the Scope still unresolved - What will our stance be?
  6. Discuss any regional/city meetings and appoint any meeting conveners.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009, 20:00 (AEST)

  1. Introductions
  2. Official roles discussion - AEC/Party Constitution requirements
  3. Censorship discussion - indepth
  4. Approach to internet filter discussion
  5. Expansion on 'Survey' Idea - Structure, Questions and Goals.
  6. Development of a youth party/organisation. Requirements and structure - As well as appoint, or make open the position of youth co-ordinator.
  7. Discussion on the term of copyright we want to put forward as policy. The Swedes say 5 years, others have calculated the optimal term as 14. We should discuss and decide our term of protection/monopoly granted by the copyright reforms we want to install.
  8. Set regular meeting time.
  9. Open Discussion

Pre Meeting Reading

AEC Requirements for Registration - Summarised.

Result of Meeting

  • Meeting Log
  • Role requirements as per AEC/Constitutional Requirements fairly clear - to be drafted, and submitted to members for ratification.
  • Censorship to be part of the platform - The Conroy Filter is to be condemned to the dustbin of history.
  • Survey to be added to wiki, with an outline by next Tuesday meeting.
  • Youth Organisation feasible once party foundations are more solid.
  • Agreed on the reduction of the copyright term to 14 years as the position the party will advocate. To be incorporated into draft, and hopefully submitted to members for ratification by the next Tuesday meeting.
  • Regular meeting time Tuesday 20:00 (AEST), however still open to change.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009, 20:30 (AEST)

  1. Introductions
  2. Role Assignment - Some members have contacted me regarding adopting intermediate positions, or helping out with particular aspects of the party. Some have to do with website development, others are interested devising plans for the promotion of the party. If this is agreed to by all present, it'd be good to get these people access to what they need, and delegate some of these responsibilities. If anyone wants to adopt a Co-coordinator role also, that is an option.
  3. Party Structure - Discuss party structure for the purposes of the constitution and general operation.
  4. Party policy on issues outside the 'scope'.
  5. Open - Anything that might want to be discussed by members.
  6. Assign time, date and location/medium for next meeting.

Result of Meeting

  • Meeting Log
  • Bond, Ycros, Brendan in charge of website-related aspects
  • Official roles discussion will be discussed in next meeting
  • The primary focus of the party discussed, and is currently a derivative of "Free Culture" to be further discussed until an agreement is reached.
  • Unanimous agreement was reached regarding the scope of the party, which includes policies regarding:
    • Copyright reform
    • Patent reform
    • A stance against overbearing censorship
  • DRM was discussed, it was agreed that DRM must be discussed within the copyright reform policy, especially regarding circumvention.
  • BitTorrent was discussed, it was decided that policies should be technology neutral, not defending a specific method of distribution or protocol.

Closing statements

  • The current scope of the party is Free Culture
  • The main policies are in regards to Copyright Reform, Patent Reform and a stance against Censorship


  1. "Conroy commits to public consultation on filtering" -